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JSRs: Java Specification Requests

JSRs by Platform

Certain JSRs are part of one or more of the platforms: collections of standards that comprise the three Java editions: Standard, Enterprise and Micro. Many JSRs are not part of the platform, but rather augment that platform; those JSRs are not listed on this page. This page lists the JSRs that comprise the various versions of the three platform editions.

Java EE (54 JSRs) |  Java SE (75 JSRs) |  Java ME (85 JSRs)

Java SE

The Java Standard Edition offers APIs and tools for developing desktop and server-side enterprise applications. The JSRs in this list are part of the Java SE platform as component or umbrella JSRs.

3 JavaTM Management Extensions (JMXTM) Specification
Description: The JMXTM specification will provide a management architecture, APIs and services for building Web-based, distributed, dynamic and modular solutions to manage Java enabled resources.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn following Maintenance Review 6.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2014-03-05
Spec Lead: Staffan Larsen, Oracle
Spec Lead: Hinkmond Wong, Oracle
5 XML Parsing Specification
Description: The JavaTM API for XML Parsing (JAXP) allows developers to easily use XML Parsers in their applications via the industry standard SAX and DOM APIs.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2000-03-21
Spec Lead: Rajiv Mordani, Oracle
6 Unified Printing API (Java Print Service API)
Description: This unified Java Print API will be based on a print model that meets the requirements of the current Java 2 Print API and JiniTM Printing.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2002-05-09
Spec Lead: Robert Herriot, Xerox
10 Preferences API Specification
Description: A simple API allowing programs to manipulate user preference data and configuration data.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2002-05-09
Spec Lead: Joshua Bloch, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
13 Decimal Arithmetic Enhancement
Description: This primarily adds floating point arithmetic to the BigDecimal class, allowing the use of decimal numbers for general-purpose arithmetic without the problems resulting from conversions to and from another type.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2004-09-30
Spec Lead: Joe Darcy, Oracle
14 Add Generic Types To The JavaTM Programming Language
Description: Extending the JavaTM programming language with generic types (aka parameterized types).
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2004-09-30
Spec Lead: Alex Buckley, Oracle
15 Image I/O Framework Specification
Description: Image I/O supports image reader and writer plug-ins for sampled image formats. The API provides for exposure and preservation of metadata as well as pixel data.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2002-05-09
Spec Lead: Phil Race, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
31 XML Data Binding Specification
Description: A facility for compiling an XML schema into one or more JavaTM classes which can parse, generate, and validate documents that follow the schema.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2003-03-04
Spec Lead: Joe Fialli, Oracle
Spec Lead: Sekhar Vajjhala, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
41 A Simple Assertion Facility
Description: A new keyword allowing programmers to include assertions describing intended program behavior, which can be checked as programs execute to detect bugs.

Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2002-05-09
Spec Lead: Joshua Bloch, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
47 Logging API Specification
Description: Define standard logging APIs for the error and trace logging.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2002-05-09
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Danny Coward, Oracle
51 New I/O APIs for the JavaTM Platform
Description: APIs for scalable I/O, fast buffered binary and character I/O, regular expressions, charset conversion, and an improved filesystem interface.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2002-05-09
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Mark Reinhold, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
54 JDBCTM 3.0 Specification
Description: The proposed specification will update the JDBCTM specification to reflect changes in the SQL specification and JavaTM platform.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2002-05-09
Spec Lead: Lance Andersen, Oracle
55 Certification Path API
Description: The Certification Path API provides a set of provider-based APIs for creating, building, and verifying certification paths (also known as "certificate chains").
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2002-05-09
Spec Lead: Sean Mullan, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
57 Long-Term Persistence for JavaBeansTM Specification
Description: JSR 57 provides streams to convert graphs of JavaBeansTM architecture to and from version resilient file formats (typically XML documents).
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2002-05-09
Spec Lead: Mark Davidson, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
59 J2SETM Merlin Release Contents
Description: Define the major features of the J2SETM "Merlin" release (J2SE 1.4).
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Draft Review 5 Download page Start: 2004-08-17 End: 2004-09-20
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Danny Coward, Oracle
Description: This defines a Generic Security Services API (GSS-API) in Java, to provide a layer of abstraction over security mechanisms that perform authentication, message integrity protection, and message privacy protection.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2002-05-09
Spec Lead: Seema Malkani, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
105 XML Digital Signature APIs
Description: This defines and incorporates a standard set of high-level implementation-independent APIs for XML digital signatures services. The XML Digital Signature specification is defined by the W3C.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2005-06-24
Spec Lead: Sean Mullan, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Spec Lead: Sean Mullan, Oracle
114 JDBC Rowset Implementations
Description: JavaTM API providing implementations of the JDBC Rowset interface.
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Release 2 Download page Start: 2014-03-04
Spec Lead: Lance Andersen, Oracle
133 JavaTM Memory Model and Thread Specification Revision
Description: The proposed specification describes the semantics of threads, locks, volatile variables and data races. This includes what has been referred to as the Java memory model.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2004-09-30
Spec Lead: William Pugh, Pugh, William
160 JavaTM Management Extensions (JMX) Remote API
Description: This API extends the JMX 1.2 API to provide remote access to JMX MBean servers.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn following Maintenance Review 3.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2014-03-05
Spec Lead: Eamonn McManus, Oracle
Spec Lead: Simon Vienot, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Spec Lead: Hinkmond Wong, Oracle
163 JavaTM Platform Profiling Architecture
Description: A mechanism and APIs for extracting time and space profiling information from a running JavaTM virtual machine.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2004-09-30
Spec Lead: Robert Field, Oracle
166 Concurrency Utilities
Description: The JSR proposes a set of medium-level utilities that provide functionality commonly needed in concurrent programs.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2004-09-30
Spec Lead: Doug Lea, Lea, Doug
173 Streaming API for XML
Description: The Streaming API for XML (StAX) is a Java based API for pull-parsing XML.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Since version 1.0, JSR 173 StAX API has been distributed as both a standalone technology and part of the Java SE. The API has been stable without any significant changes since then and the need to use newer releases of the StAX API with shipping releases of Java SE has mostly disappeared in recent years.

In accordance with JCP 2.10 Process Document, Platform inclusion, we are announcing the end of JSR 173 StAX Standalone distribution. After MR5, StAX 1.4, the technology that JSR 173 defines will be delivered as a part of the Java SE solely. Future changes in the StAX API will be defined through the Platform JSR.

The subsumption of the StAX API into the Platform JSR does not change any mechanisms defined in StAX. The service provider interfaces are the same except that they will then be directly specified in the Platform JSR. Deployment of alternative implementations of the StAX APIs will continue to be supported.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2016-07-26
Spec Lead: Christopher Fry, BEA Systems
Spec Lead: Devasena Sagar, Oracle
174 Monitoring and Management Specification for the JavaTM Virtual Machine
Description: A specification for APIs for monitoring and management of the JavaTM virtual machine.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2004-09-30
Spec Lead: Flavio Bergamaschi, IBM
175 A Metadata Facility for the JavaTM Programming Language
Description: A metadata facility for the JavaTM Programming Language would allow classes, interfaces, fields, and methods to be marked as having particular attributes.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2004-09-30
Spec Lead: Alex Buckley, Oracle
176 J2SETM 5.0 (Tiger) Release Contents
Description: Define the major features of the J2SETM "Tiger" release (J2SE 5.0).
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Draft Review 2 Download page Start: 2006-10-11 End: 2006-11-13
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Mark Reinhold, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
199 JavaTM Compiler API
Description: A service provider API that allows a Java program to select and invoke a Java Language Compiler programmatically.
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Review Ballot 7 Start: 2024-07-30 End: 2024-08-05
Spec Lead: Jan Lahoda, Oracle
200 Network Transfer Format for JavaTM Archives.
Description: This JSR will define a dense download format for JavaTM classfiles. It is expected that this format can achieve considerable size savings over compressed JAR files.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2004-09-30
Spec Lead: John Rose, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Spec Lead: Kumar Srinivasan, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
201 Extending the JavaTM Programming Language with Enumerations, Autoboxing, Enhanced for loops and Static Import
Description: This JSR proposes four new JavaTM programming language features: enumerations, autoboxing, enhanced for loops and static import.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2004-09-30
Spec Lead: Alex Buckley, Oracle
202 JavaTM Class File Specification Update
Description: This JSR will make incremental updates to the JavaTM class file format. This will principally consist of increasing certain class file size limits and adding support for split verification.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2006-12-11
Spec Lead: Alex Buckley, Oracle
203 More New I/O APIs for the JavaTM Platform ("NIO.2")
Description: APIs for filesystem access, scalable asynchronous I/O operations, socket-channel binding and configuration, and multicast datagrams.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2011-07-20
Spec Lead: Alan Bateman, Oracle
204 Unicode Supplementary Character Support
Description: The proposed specification will define a mechanism to support Supplementary Characters as defined in the Unicode 3.1 specification.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2004-09-30
Spec Lead: Masayoshi Okutsu, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
206 JavaTM API for XML Processing (JAXP) 1.3
Description: JAXP 1.3 is the next version of JAXP, an implementation independent portable API for processing XML with JavaTM.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn following Maintenance Review 3.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2014-03-05
Spec Lead: Jeff Suttor, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Spec Lead: Joe Wang, Oracle
221 JDBCTM 4.0 API Specification
Description: This specification seeks to improve Java application access to SQL data stores by the provision of ease-of-development focused features and improvements at both the utility and API level.
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Release 3 Download page Start: 2017-09-21
Spec Lead: Lance Andersen, Oracle
222 JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.0
Description: JAXB 2.0 is the next version of JAXB, The JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding. This JSR proposes additional functionality while retaining ease of development as a key goal.
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Release 3 Download page Start: 2017-09-19
Spec Lead: Roman Grigoriadi, Oracle
223 Scripting for the JavaTM Platform
Description: The specification will describe mechanisms allowing scripting language programs to access information developed in the Java Platform and allowing scripting language pages to be used in Java Server-side Applications.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn in December 2016 following the Maintenance Review.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2016-12-13
Spec Lead: Sundararajan Athijegannathan, Oracle
Spec Lead: Mike Grogan, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
224 JavaTM API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.0
Description: The JAX-WS 2.0 specification is the next generation web services API replacing JAX-RPC 1.0.
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Release 5 Download page Start: 2017-09-21
Spec Lead: Lukas Jungmann, Oracle
250 Common Annotations for the JavaTM Platform
Description: This JSR will develop annotations for common semantic concepts in the J2SE and J2EE platforms that apply across a variety of individual technologies.
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Release 3 Download page Start: 2016-09-02
Spec Lead: Rajiv Mordani, Oracle
269 Pluggable Annotation Processing API
Description: Provide an API to allow the processing of JSR 175 annotations (metadata); this will require modeling elements of the Java(TM) programming language as well as processing-specific functionality.
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Review Ballot 16 Start: 2024-07-23 End: 2024-07-29
Spec Lead: Joe Darcy, Oracle
270 JavaTM SE 6 Release Contents
Description: The Umbrella JSR for the JavaTM SE 6 release.
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Release Download page Start: 2015-03-18
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Mark Reinhold, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
277 JavaTM Module System
Description: The specification defines a distribution format and a repository for collections of Java code and related resources. It also defines the discovery, loading, and integrity mechanisms at runtime.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Specification Lead. Superseded by JSR 376.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2016-01-20
Spec Lead: Alex Buckley, Oracle
292 Supporting Dynamically Typed Languages on the JavaTM Platform
Description: Add a new bytecode, invokedynamic, that supports efficient and flexible execution of method invocations in the absence of static type information.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2011-07-20
Spec Lead: John Rose, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
294 Improved Modularity Support in the JavaTM Programming Language
Description: Language extensions in support of information hiding and separate compilation.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Specification Lead. Superseded by JSR 376.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2016-01-20
Spec Lead: Alex Buckley, Oracle
308 Annotations on Java Types
Description: This JSR extends the Java annotation syntax to permit annotations on any occurrence of a type. Previously, annotations could not be placed on generic type arguments, type casts, etc.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2014-03-04
Spec Lead: Alex Buckley, Oracle
Spec Lead: Michael Ernst, Ernst, Michael
310 Date and Time API
Description: This JSR will provide a new and improved date and time API for Java.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2014-03-04
Spec Lead: Stephen Colebourne, Colebourne, Stephen
Spec Lead: Roger Riggs, Oracle
Spec Lead: Michael Nascimento Santos, Santos, Michael Nascimento
334 Small Enhancements to the JavaTM Programming Language
Description: A successor to JSR 201 to enhance the Java programming language with an assortment of small changes to improve productivity. Changes must be simultaneously small in specification, implementation, and testing.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2011-07-20
Spec Lead: Joe Darcy, Oracle
335 Lambda Expressions for the JavaTM Programming Language
Description: Extend the Java language to support compact lambda expressions (closures), as well as related language and library features to enable the Java SE APIs to use lambda expressions effectively.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2014-03-04
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Brian Goetz, Oracle
336 JavaTM SE 7 Release Contents
Description: The Umbrella JSR for the seventh edition of the Java SE Platform
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Release Download page Start: 2015-03-12
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Mark Reinhold, Oracle
337 JavaTM SE 8 Release Contents
Description: The Umbrella JSR for the eighth edition of the Java SE Platform
Status: Active
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Release 6 Download page Start: 2024-07-02
Spec Lead: Iris Clark, Oracle
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Mark Reinhold, Oracle
376 JavaTM Platform Module System
Description: Define a module system for the Java Platform.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2017-09-21
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Mark Reinhold, Oracle
379 JavaTM SE 9 Release Contents
Description: The Umbrella JSR for the ninth edition of the Java SE Platform.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2017-09-21
Spec Lead: Iris Clark, Oracle
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Mark Reinhold, Oracle
383 Java™ SE 10 (18.3)
Description: The JSR for the Java SE 10 (18.3) Platform
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2018-03-14
Spec Lead: Iris Clark, Oracle
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Brian Goetz, Oracle
384 JavaTM SE 11 (18.9)
Description: The JSR for the Java SE 11 (18.9) Platform.
Status: Active
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Release 3 Download page Start: 2024-07-02
Spec Lead: Iris Clark, Oracle
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Brian Goetz, Oracle
386 JavaTM SE 12
Description: The JSR for the Java SE 12 Platform.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2019-03-12
Spec Lead: Iris Clark, Oracle
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Brian Goetz, Oracle
388 JavaTM SE 13
Description: The JSR for the Java SE 13 Platform. The Reference Implementation of this Specification is the Java Development Kit, version 13.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2019-09-10
Spec Lead: Iris Clark, Oracle
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Brian Goetz, Oracle
389 JavaTM SE 14
Description: The JSR for the Java SE 14 Platform. The Reference Implementation of this Specification is the Java Development Kit, version 14.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2020-03-10
Spec Lead: Iris Clark, Oracle
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Brian Goetz, Oracle
390 JavaTM SE 15
Description: The JSR for the Java SE 15 Platform. The Reference Implementation of this Specification is the Java Development Kit, version 15.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2020-09-08
Spec Lead: Iris Clark, Oracle
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Brian Goetz, Oracle
391 JavaTM SE 16
Description: The JSR for the Java SE 16 Platform. The Reference Implementation of this Specification is the Java Development Kit, version 16.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2021-03-09
Spec Lead: Iris Clark, Oracle
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Brian Goetz, Oracle
392 JavaTM SE 17
Description: The JSR for the Java SE 17 Platform. The Reference Implementation of this Specification is the Java Development Kit, version 17.
Status: Active
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Release Download page Start: 2024-07-02
Spec Lead: Iris Clark, Oracle
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Brian Goetz, Oracle
393 JavaTM SE 18
Description: The JSR for the Java SE 18 Platform. The Reference Implementation of this Specification is the Java Development Kit, version 18.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2022-03-15
Spec Lead: Iris Clark, Oracle
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Brian Goetz, Oracle
394 JavaTM SE 19
Description: The JSR for the Java SE 19 Platform. The Reference Implementation of this Specification is the Java Development Kit, version 19.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2022-09-13
Spec Lead: Iris Clark, Oracle
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Brian Goetz, Oracle
395 JavaTM SE 20
Description: The JSR for the Java SE 20 Platform. The Reference Implementation of this Specification is the Java Development Kit, version 20.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2023-03-08
Spec Lead: Iris Clark, Oracle
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Brian Goetz, Oracle
396 JavaTM SE 21
Description: The JSR for the Java SE 21 Platform. The Reference Implementation of this Specification is the Java Development Kit, version 21.
Status: Active
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2023-09-13
Spec Lead: Iris Clark, Oracle
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Brian Goetz, Oracle
397 JavaTM SE 22
Description: The JSR for the Java SE 22 Platform. The Reference Implementation of this Specification is the Java Development Kit, version 22.
Status: Active
Latest Stage:
Final Release Download page Start: 2024-03-13
Spec Lead: Iris Clark, Oracle
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Brian Goetz, Oracle
398 JavaTM SE 23
Description: The JSR for the Java SE 23 Platform. The Reference Implementation of this Specification is the Java Development Kit, version 23.
Status: Active
Latest Stage:
Public Review Final Approval Ballot Start: 2024-08-20 End: 2024-08-26
Spec Lead: Iris Clark, Oracle
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Brian Goetz, Oracle
399 JavaTM SE 24
Description: The JSR for the Java SE 24 Platform. The Reference Implementation of this Specification is the Java Development Kit, version 24.
Status: Active
Latest Stage:
Expert Group Formation Start: 2024-06-04
Spec Lead: Iris Clark, Oracle
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Brian Goetz, Oracle
901 JavaTM Language Specification
Description: This specification includes all changes, clarifications and amendments made to the JavaTM programming language since the publication of the first edition of the language specification.
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Release Download page Start: 2011-08-05
Spec Lead: Alex Buckley, Oracle
910 JDBC 2.1 Errata Sheet
Description: Errata Sheet of JDBC 2.1 for Maintenance review.
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Draft Review Download page Start: 2000-12-20 End: 2001-01-18
Spec Lead: Lance Andersen, Oracle
915 J2SETM 1.4 (Merlin) Maintenance Review
Description: Details of specification changes made in version 1.4 ("Merlin") of the JavaTM 2 Platform, Standard Edition.

Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Draft Review Download page Start: 2001-07-26 End: 2001-08-27
Spec Lead: Alan Sommerer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
916 J2SETM 1.4 (Merlin) Beta 2 Maintenance Review
Description: Details of specification changes made in version 1.4 ("Merlin") of the JavaTM 2 Platform, Standard Edition.
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Draft Review Download page Start: 2001-10-01 End: 2001-11-05
Spec Lead: Alan Sommerer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
917 J2SETM 1.4 (Merlin) Beta 3 Maintenance Review
Description: Details of specification changes made in version 1.4 ("Merlin") of the JavaTM 2 Platform, Standard Edition.
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Draft Review Download page Start: 2001-11-07 End: 2001-12-10
Submitter: Alan Sommerer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
918 J2SETM 1.4 Release Candidate
Description: Define the major features of the J2SETM 1.4 release.
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Draft Review Download page Start: 2002-01-08 End: 2002-02-11
Spec Lead: Alan Sommerer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
923 J2SETM 1.4.2 (Mantis) Beta
Description: Descriptions of specification changes being made in version 1.4.2 ("Mantis") of the JavaTM 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SETM).
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Draft Review Download page Start: 2003-04-04 End: 2003-05-05
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Danny Coward, Oracle
924 JavaTM Virtual Machine Specification
Description: Maintenance review of changes to the JavaTM Virtual Machine Specification, Second Edition for J2SE 1.5
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Release Download page Start: 2011-08-05
Spec Lead: Alex Buckley, Oracle
925 JavaBeansTM Activation Framework 1.1
Description: JavaBeans Activation Framework 1.1 proposes a few minor changes to the JAF APIs to address the most commonly requested enhancements.
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage:
Maintenance Release 2 Download page Start: 2017-09-21
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead William Shannon, Oracle