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Create JCP account
Register for jcp.org
This page is for creating a new account for jcp.org.
jcp.org accounts are integrated with Oracle's Single Sign-On (SSO) login mechanism.
When you click the 'Create SSO login' button, you will be redirected to Oracle's SSO account management page.
As part of creating your Oracle SSO login, you will also need to ensure that your email address
in your Oracle SSO profile is shown as 'verified' before continuing with creating your JCP account.
After you finish creating your Oracle SSO login, you will need to return to jcp.org.
To continue creating a new account for jcp.org, click the 'Create SSO login' button below.
Or if you think you already have an Oracle SSO login, please click the 'Sign-in' button on the left navigation.
For questions or problems with creating a JCP account,
please first refer to the JCP login FAQ.
If you think that you already have an existing JCP account that predates the JCP integration
with Oracle's SSO login mechanism, then please contact the JCP PMO at admin@jcp.org for further assistance.