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Spec Lead Guide: Public Review (PR)

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Public Review is the first point in the Java Community Process that the community reviews an actual draft of the specification that is followed by a ballot for the Executive Committee to vote on the progress of the JSR.

Where Public Review comes in the development of the JSR varies depending on which version of the Java Community Process applies to the JSR.

For JSRs operating under JCP 2.11, this is the Public Review process for Specification Leads:
  1. You create a specification for the review.
  2. You submit the specification and supporting materials to so the PMO can initiate the Public Review. If you wish to defer the ballot until after another Public Review, you so notify the PMO with your submission.
  3. After the requested duration (30 - 90 days), the review ends.
  4. Unless you have requested to defer the ballot until after another Public Review, the 7-day Public Review Final Approval Ballot begins.
  5. If the ballot is approved by the Executive Committee, you proceed to submit the materials for Final Release.

Once the Specification Lead(s) and the Expert Group feel that the specification is ready for Public Review, the Spec Lead(s) should submit all materials as detailed in the relevant JCP version's instructions to the PMO ( via e-mail with the JSR number and "Public Review" in the subject line.

Use the links for instructions for each JCP version below to read the detailed instructions for your JSR.

Public Reviews for JCP 2.11 | Public Reviews for JCP 2.6 - 2.10 | Public Reviews for JCP 1.0 - 2.5

The PMO welcomes suggestions and requests from Spec Leads for improvements to this guide and the process:

For all JSRs of JCP version 2.7 through 2.10, this was the Public Review process for Specification Leads:

  1. The Spec Lead would create a specification for the review.
  2. The Spec Lead submitted the specification and supporting materials to so the PMO could initiate the Public Review.
  3. After the requested duration (30 - 90 days), the review ended.
  4. Immediately afterward, the 7-day ballot began.
  5. If the ballot was approved, the Specification Lead proceeded to the next step in the JCP. If the ballot was not approved, the Specification Lead had 30 days to revise the materials and resubmit for a reconsideration ballot. If the Specification Lead didn't hold a reconsideration ballot, or if the reconsideration ballot was not approved, the JSR was closed.
The process for version of the JCP 2.5 and earlier was very similar to JCP 2.7 - 2.10; the main difference was that there is no Public Review ballot for the Executive Committee.