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Spec Lead Guide: Final Approval Ballot (FAB)

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After you have incorporated any changes you decided to make after the public has reviewed your last milestone (Public Review for JCP 2.11 JSRs, Proposed Final Draft for JCP versions 2.0 - 2.10) and you've completed the work on the RI and TCK, you are ready to go final Release. You need to submit the Final materials to the PMO ( to either be posted for Final Release (JCP 2.11) or put on the EC Final Approval Ballot (JCP 2.0 - 2.10).

NOTE: If you are submitting the materials for a Final Approval Ballot under JCP 2.1 - 2.10, the PMO must receive all the materials of your submission on or before the Wednesday before the Tuesday that you wish the Ballot to start. The Final Approval Ballot runs for a 1 week voting period starting on Tuesday and ending on Monday, midnight PST/PDT. Once again it is good practice to get a sense of the voting EC's opinion on what you consider to be the Final version of your JSR. It is necessary that you are available during the voting period or you designate someone that will be able to respond any questions the voting EC may have.
When submitting the Final materials for a JCP 2.11 JSR to the PMO at, please provide all of the following:

  1. Confirmation that the Expert Group agrees that the JSR is ready to go to Final Release.
  2. The Final Spec, in pdf or zip format (please note that Javadoc files must be zipped). After submission, the Specification will posted for the community in the Final Release.
  3. The answers to the following export questions, supplied separately for each file bundle you wish posted. For instance, if you provide both a specification .pdf document and a .zip archive of javadocs, you would provide two sets of answers to these questions.

    Name of the file:__________________________
    A. Does the specification include software codes
    in the following format:
    Binary : Yes _______ No __________
    Source (compilable) : Yes _______ No __________
    Javadocs : Yes _______ No __________
    B. Do the codes or the spec call on, contain, use
    or demonstrate encryption technology?
    Yes _________ No ________
    If yes, please describe in detail
  4. The location of the Final Reference Implementation, or instructions on how the community can access it. This will be provided for the Executive Committee's review and then posted with the Final Release.
  5. Confirmation that the Reference Implementation passes the Technology Compatibility Kit.
  6. The location of the Final Technology Compatibility Kit, or instructions on how the community can access it. This will be provided for the Executive Committee's review and then posted with the Final Release.
  7. Confirmation that the proposed Final specification license has not changed from what was posted previously.
  8. Any last updates to the checklist for transparency, with specifics for your JSR. If you haven't provided your transparency checklist before, make sure to include the whole thing now.
  9. The TCK Coverage Document. This is a one- to two-page summary to assist the EC in evaluating the TCK. Please see more details in the 'Developing TCKs' section of the Spec Lead Guide.
  10. The full text of the final licenses for the specification, RI and TCK. 3rd party implementations must be able to pass the TCK. Please look in the "Writing a JSR" section above for licensing templates. You can use one of these templates or any other licensing model provided the compatibility requirements as demanded in the appropriate JCP Document are addressed. The latest version is found at: Every JCP version from 2.6 onward requires that final licenses must allow for independent implementations.

  11. The process by which qualified individuals, educational and not for profit organizations can access the TCK at no cost.
  12. The name and contact info of the Maintenance Lead. In case the Maintenance Lead is a different company or organization the PMO requires an authorization from an Executive of the current Spec Lead company or organization relinquishing interest in the JSR. The same applies for a Spec Lead change earlier in the JSR process.
  13. The first level TCK Appeals Process, per JCP Document section 3.2.2., which handles challenges to the tests in the TCK.
  14. An answer to the question: Can the Specification be implemented independently of the Reference Implementation?
  15. An answer to the question: Do you expect to develop the Specification further through Maintenance Releases or a follow-on JSR?

Once you have submitted these materials for a JCP 2.11 JSR, the PMO will present your answers to the Executive Committee (per Section 3.5.5 of the JCP Document version 2.11) and begin work to publish your Final Release from those materials soon thereafter (see "Turnaround time", below). The Executive Committee has 7 days to raise an objection that the Final Release differs too greatly from the Public Review. If such an objection is received, the PMO will evaluate the claim. If the claim is substantiated, the PMO will provide you the EC comments and inform you that you must revise the Specification, RI, and TCK within 30 days in order to satisfy EC concerns. Such revised materials would then be posted as a Final Reconsideration Ballot.

If there is no objection, or if the Final Reconsideration Ballot was approved, then the Final Release is posted, and your JSR's Expert Group officially disbands, its work complete.

If the Final Reconsideration Ballot is not approved, or if objections are raised and you do not address those EC concerns within 30 days, your JSR will be closed and your Expert Group disbanded.

Turnaround time: With any public posting of a spec to, the PMO will post the spec and related materials within 10 business days of receiving ALL the materials at You may check the status of your Final Approval Ballot or Final Release submissions on the JCP JIRA page, where issues are filed for each JSR milestone submission.
The PMO welcomes suggestions and requests from the Spec Leads for improvements of this guide and the process: