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Spec Lead Guide: Early Draft Review (EDR)

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Starting in JCP 2.11, the first JCP milestone stage is Public Review and the Early Draft Review stage is no longer used.

But if your JSR is still operating under JCP versions 2.6 through 2.10, the first milestone of your JSR will be Early Draft Review, as described in JCP 2.10.

Please inform the PMO ( as soon as possible of the approximate date for the Early Draft Review to allow preparation time.
Once the EG agrees that you are ready for feedback from the public on the draft of your spec please submit it to the PMO ( via e-mail with the JSR number and "Early Draft Review" or "EDR" in the subject line. Please note that this review is open to the public. This review occurs early in the process and does not have a ballot at the end of it. This is designed to encourage Expert Groups to feel comfortable going into this review with open issues and questions that they would like the public to help them resolve.
The PMO will host your draft and provide the export classification and spec license for you. If you wish to have the spec license text to embed in your spec document, please send item #6, below, to beforehand. The license should be provided within 2 business days of receipt.

When submitting the draft please provide all of the following:

  1. The Spec, in pdf or zip format (be aware that Javadoc files must be zipped) The PMO will provide a standard evaluation license unless you choose to provide your own.
  2. The length of the Review. If you do not specify a length, it will default to 30 calendar days, the minimum. During the review you can request to extend the length of the review by sending mail to at least two days before the scheduled end date (90 days is the maximum).
  3. The answer to the following questions for each bundle you submit for posting as a separate download during the review.

    A. Does the specification include software codes in the following format:
    Binary : Yes _______ No __________
    Source (compilable) : Yes _______ No __________
    Javadocs : Yes _______ No __________
    B. Do the codes or the spec call on, contain, use or demonstrate encryption technology?
    Yes _________ No ________
    If yes, please describe in detail

  4. The checklist for transparency with specifics for your JSR. If you are using other sites or services, please provide the URLs.
  5. The full text of the licenses that will apply to the Final Specification, the final Reference Implementation, and the Final Technology Compatibility Kit. If you haven't changed your licensing terms from the ones you provided before, you can just let us know that. Note, though: if you started in an earlier process version than 2.7, you must provide the full license text here, as you did not supply it before.
  6. The version number of the specific specification document you are submitting, the anticipated release date, and the full corporate name and address of the Spec Lead Member.
Turnaround time: With any public posting of a spec to, the PMO will post the spec and related materials within 10 business days of receiving all the above materials at You may check the status of your EDR submission on the JCP JIRA page, where issues are filed for each JSR milestone submission.

You may choose to have more than one EDR, by repeating the stage with a second EDR after the first one, a third after the second, and so forth.

You are encouraged to be proactive about including Spec Leads and Expert Group members from other JSRs in your review period. Communication between JSRs is invaluable in developing the most successful technologies.

This is the first stage in the JSR process where companies are allowed to specifically begin talking in press releases and other public venues about the JSR and their company's plans to produce products that implement it. Until the Early Draft Review Stage is reached, JSR access is only open to Expert Group members. Please consult the JCP PR and Communication Guidelines for more information.

At this point the PMO recommends you begin with the scheduling and planning of your RI and TCK. A stable RI and well planned TCK require careful scheduling. Starting early will make the preparation the required TCK documentation for FAB less time consuming. The TCK Coverage Document requires little effort if it is started in the EDR stage. Please see the requirements in the FAB section below and in the 'Developing TCKs' section below.

Please note that you cannot enter any Review period until all of your deliverables are submitted.

During each review period you may receive good suggestions that you wish to incorporate into the Spec. You and the EG may revise the Spec. In the case of major revisions to the draft during the review, you should send the revised draft, along with a synopsis of the changes, to the PMO ( at any time The PMO will notify Members of any updated drafts and change synopses received via the jcp-general-announcements board, and make them available to them for download.

The PMO welcomes suggestions and requests from the Spec Leads for improvements of this guide and the process: