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JSR Review (0 JSRs) |
Early Draft Review (0 JSRs) |
Public Review (0 JSRs) |
Proposed Final Draft (0 JSRs) |
Final Release (272 JSRs) |
Maintenance Review (0 JSRs) |
Active (10 JSRs) |
Inactive (0 JSRs) |
Dormant (26 JSRs) |
Withdrawn (103 JSRs) |
Rejected (14 JSRs)
The following JavaTM Specification Requests (JSRs) have been rejected for the reasons stated. Note that it is possible for a JSR to be Accepted from the JSR Approval Ballot but be rejected in a later ballot.
20 |
Orthogonal Persistence for the JavaTM Platform |
Orthogonal persistence for the JavaTM platform (OPJ) would have provided persistence for the full computational model specified by the JavaTM Language Specification (JLS). |
This work duplicates functionality to be provided by JSR-000012 Java Data Objects Specification. Work on Orthogonal Persistence continued at SunLabs. |
Rejected |
Effective: 1999-08-11 |
Mick Jordan, Oracle |
76 |
RMI Security for J2SETM |
Define a high-level API for network security in JavaTM 2 Standard Edition RMI, covering basic security mechanisms: authentication (including delegation), confidentiality, and integrity. |
This JSR was not approved by the SE/EE Executive Committee in Draft Approval/Reconsideration Ballots. |
Rejected |
Effective: 2001-02-21 |
Bob Scheifler, Sun Microsystems, Inc. |
78 |
RMI Custom Remote References |
Provide a general framework in JavaTM 2 Standard Edition RMI for customizing remote invocation behavior. |
This JSR was not approved by the SE/EE Executive Committee in Draft Approval/Reconsideration Ballots. |
Rejected |
Effective: 2001-02-21 |
Ann Wollrath, Sun Microsystems, Inc. |
85 |
Rules-based Authorization and Audit |
Define an API for managing and accessing a rules-based authorization and audit trail service. |
This JSR was not approved by the SE/EE Executive Committee in the JSR Approval Ballot. |
JSR Review Ballot Failed |
Start: 2000-10-10 |
Hal Lockhart, Entegrity Solutions |
143 |
JavaDesk |
JavaDesk provides a standard desktop API across platforms using an MVC model. Applications can control and
enhance the desktop using the JavaDesk API. |
This JSR was not approved by the SE/EE Executive Committee in the JSR Approval Ballot. |
Rejected |
Effective: 2001-08-06 |
Rich Isaac, Bay Equities, Inc. |
178 |
Mobile Game API |
Defines an optional package that will facilitate the emergence of the market for the development of compelling games on mobile phones. The API shall work with MIDP1.0. |
This JSR was not approved by the ME Executive Committee in the JSR Reconsideration Ballot. |
Rejected |
Effective: 2002-05-07 |
Thomas Landspurg, In-Fusio SA |
213 |
Micro WSCI Framework for J2ME. |
Effort to define another layer of the J2ME Web Service stack, implementing the 'observable' behavior of a choreographed Web Service on the Device, relative to the message exchange requiring support. |
This JSR was not approved by the ME Executive Committee in the JSR Approval Ballot. |
Rejected |
Effective: 2003-05-13 |
Ash Parikh, IOPSIS Software Inc. |
214 |
Micro BPSS for J2ME Devices. |
This JSR is to provide a standard set of APIs for J2ME Devices for representing and manipulating Collaboration Profile and Agreement information described by ebXML CPP/A (Collaboration Protocol Profile/Agreement) documents. |
This JSR was not approved by the ME Executive Committee in the JSR Approval Ballot. |
Rejected |
Effective: 2003-05-13 |
Ash Parikh, IOPSIS Software Inc. |
275 |
Units Specification |
This JSR specifies Java packages for modeling and working with standard measures known as units. |
This JSR was not approved by the SE/EE Executive Committee in the Public Draft Reconsideration Ballot. |
Rejected |
Effective: 2010-03-09 |
Jean-Marie Dautelle, Dautelle, Jean-Marie |
Werner Keil, Keil, Werner |
288 |
Adaptive JavaTM ME System API |
This specification will define a mechanism that enables a systems developer to include multiple Configurations and Profiles on a single device, using one set of developed components. |
This JSR was not approved by the ME Executive Committee in the JSR Approval Ballot and JSR Reconsideration Ballot. |
Rejected |
Effective: 2006-02-22 |
Andre Kruetzfeldt, Aplix Corporation |
323 |
Strong Mobility for JavaTM |
Strong Mobility is the movement of code, data and execution state from one location to another. This specification defines byte-code transformation to achieve Strong Mobility for Java-based programs. |
This JSR was not approved by the SE/EE Executive Committee in the JSR Approval Ballot. |
Rejected |
Effective: 2008-01-22 |
Hiroki Suguri, Suguri, Hiroki |
324 |
On Screen MIDlet API for Java ME |
This JSR defines the API set for MIDlet activation functionality on idle screen. |
This JSR was not approved by the ME Executive Committee in the JSR Approval Ballot. |
Rejected |
Effective: 2008-04-15 |
Dave Kim, SK Telecom Co., Ltd. |
350 |
Java State Management |
This JSR will develop an API that applications and JavaEE containers can use to offload the responsibility of state management into third party providers with different quality of service characteristics. |
This JSR was not approved to continue by the Executive Committee in the JSR Renewal Ballot. |
Rejected |
Effective: 2015-05-12 |
Timothy Watson, Oracle |
357 |
Social Media API |
This specification proposes an API for accessing and providing social information networks |
This JSR was not approved by the SE/EE Executive Committee in the JSR Approval Ballot. |
Rejected |
Effective: 2012-03-20 |
Werner Keil, Keil, Werner |
Antoine Sabot-Durand, Sabot-Durand, Antoine |