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JSRs: Java Specification Requests
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The following JavaTM Specification Requests (JSRs) have been rejected for the reasons stated. Note that it is possible for a JSR to be Accepted from the JSR Approval Ballot but be rejected in a later ballot.

20 Orthogonal Persistence for the JavaTM Platform
Description: Orthogonal persistence for the JavaTM platform (OPJ) would have provided persistence for the full computational model specified by the JavaTM Language Specification (JLS).
Status: Rejected
Reason: This work duplicates functionality to be provided by JSR-000012 Java Data Objects Specification. Work on Orthogonal Persistence continued at SunLabs.
Latest Stage:
Rejected Effective: 1999-08-11
Spec Lead: Mick Jordan, Oracle
76 RMI Security for J2SETM
Description: Define a high-level API for network security in JavaTM 2 Standard Edition RMI, covering basic security mechanisms: authentication (including delegation), confidentiality, and integrity.
Status: Rejected
Reason: This JSR was not approved by the SE/EE Executive Committee in Draft Approval/Reconsideration Ballots.
Latest Stage:
Rejected Effective: 2001-02-21
Spec Lead: Bob Scheifler, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
78 RMI Custom Remote References
Description: Provide a general framework in JavaTM 2 Standard Edition RMI for customizing remote invocation behavior.
Status: Rejected
Reason: This JSR was not approved by the SE/EE Executive Committee in Draft Approval/Reconsideration Ballots.
Latest Stage:
Rejected Effective: 2001-02-21
Spec Lead: Ann Wollrath, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
85 Rules-based Authorization and Audit
Description: Define an API for managing and accessing a rules-based authorization and audit trail service.
Status: Rejected
Reason: This JSR was not approved by the SE/EE Executive Committee in the JSR Approval Ballot.
Latest Stage:
JSR Review Ballot Failed Start: 2000-10-10
Spec Lead: Hal Lockhart, Entegrity Solutions
143 JavaDesk
Description: JavaDesk provides a standard desktop API across platforms using an MVC model. Applications can control and enhance the desktop using the JavaDesk API.
Status: Rejected
Reason: This JSR was not approved by the SE/EE Executive Committee in the JSR Approval Ballot.
Latest Stage:
Rejected Effective: 2001-08-06
Spec Lead: Rich Isaac, Bay Equities, Inc.
178 Mobile Game API
Description: Defines an optional package that will facilitate the emergence of the market for the development of compelling games on mobile phones. The API shall work with MIDP1.0.
Status: Rejected
Reason: This JSR was not approved by the ME Executive Committee in the JSR Reconsideration Ballot.
Latest Stage:
Rejected Effective: 2002-05-07
Spec Lead: Thomas Landspurg, In-Fusio SA
213 Micro WSCI Framework for J2ME.
Description: Effort to define another layer of the J2ME Web Service stack, implementing the 'observable' behavior of a choreographed Web Service on the Device, relative to the message exchange requiring support.
Status: Rejected
Reason: This JSR was not approved by the ME Executive Committee in the JSR Approval Ballot.
Latest Stage:
Rejected Effective: 2003-05-13
Spec Lead: Ash Parikh, IOPSIS Software Inc.
214 Micro BPSS for J2ME Devices.
Description: This JSR is to provide a standard set of APIs for J2ME Devices for representing and manipulating Collaboration Profile and Agreement information described by ebXML CPP/A (Collaboration Protocol Profile/Agreement) documents.
Status: Rejected
Reason: This JSR was not approved by the ME Executive Committee in the JSR Approval Ballot.
Latest Stage:
Rejected Effective: 2003-05-13
Spec Lead: Ash Parikh, IOPSIS Software Inc.
275 Units Specification
Description: This JSR specifies Java packages for modeling and working with standard measures known as units.
Status: Rejected
Reason: This JSR was not approved by the SE/EE Executive Committee in the Public Draft Reconsideration Ballot.
Latest Stage:
Rejected Effective: 2010-03-09
Spec Lead: Jean-Marie Dautelle, Dautelle, Jean-Marie
Spec Lead: Werner Keil, Keil, Werner
288 Adaptive JavaTM ME System API
Description: This specification will define a mechanism that enables a systems developer to include multiple Configurations and Profiles on a single device, using one set of developed components.
Status: Rejected
Reason: This JSR was not approved by the ME Executive Committee in the JSR Approval Ballot and JSR Reconsideration Ballot.
Latest Stage:
Rejected Effective: 2006-02-22
Spec Lead: Andre Kruetzfeldt, Aplix Corporation
323 Strong Mobility for JavaTM
Description: Strong Mobility is the movement of code, data and execution state from one location to another. This specification defines byte-code transformation to achieve Strong Mobility for Java-based programs.
Status: Rejected
Reason: This JSR was not approved by the SE/EE Executive Committee in the JSR Approval Ballot.
Latest Stage:
Rejected Effective: 2008-01-22
Spec Lead: Hiroki Suguri, Suguri, Hiroki
324 On Screen MIDlet API for Java ME
Description: This JSR defines the API set for MIDlet activation functionality on idle screen.
Status: Rejected
Reason: This JSR was not approved by the ME Executive Committee in the JSR Approval Ballot.
Latest Stage:
Rejected Effective: 2008-04-15
Spec Lead: Dave Kim, SK Telecom Co., Ltd.
350 Java State Management
Description: This JSR will develop an API that applications and JavaEE containers can use to offload the responsibility of state management into third party providers with different quality of service characteristics.
Status: Rejected
Reason: This JSR was not approved to continue by the Executive Committee in the JSR Renewal Ballot.
Latest Stage:
Rejected Effective: 2015-05-12
Spec Lead: Timothy Watson, Oracle
357 Social Media API
Description: This specification proposes an API for accessing and providing social information networks
Status: Rejected
Reason: This JSR was not approved by the SE/EE Executive Committee in the JSR Approval Ballot.
Latest Stage:
Rejected Effective: 2012-03-20
Spec Lead: Werner Keil, Keil, Werner
Spec Lead: Antoine Sabot-Durand, Sabot-Durand, Antoine