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Java Community Process: Executive Committee Elections Nominees for 2022

The 2022 Fall Executive Committee elections ballot opens on November 1 and closes on November 14 at 11:59 PM PST.
This election is hosted by Votenet.
The recording of the Meet the JCP EC Candidates webinar is now available.
Please refer to the Java Community Process EC Elections page for more information on the Executive Committee Elections.
Please refer to the Executive Committee Information page for more information on the current Executive Committee.
What follows are the qualification statements provided by the candidates for the Executive Committee, along with a
brief biography of the person who would serve as the Member's representative on the Executive Committee if elected,
and a position statement when one is provided.
As one of the world's largest users of Java, Alibaba uses Java from underlying JVM runtime, middleware, up to different applications -
in more than a billion lines of Java code contributed by over 10,000 developers. We are very much committed to the success of Java.
Alibaba is an active contributor to OpenJDK projects, is also involved in the GraalVM project, and is a member of the GraalVM Project
Advisory Board. Furthermore, as a founding member of the Eclipse Adoptium Working Group, we strive to make open-source Java SE technology
available to all. Beyond the work on Java Runtime, we also actively participate on the corporate level in a broad range of open-source
projects in Apache and Eclipse communities, including Apache Flink, Dubbo, RocketMQ, Eclipse Jifa, etc.
As a Java advocator, Alibaba worked through the GreenTea JUG community (the largest JUG in China) and talented researchers to promote
Java technology across China and East Asia. In addition, we are committed to Java in Education via Alibaba's open-source program and
educate the younger generation of future Java developers from mindset to practice.
As a member of the JCP EC, we look forward to a stronger relationship with the Java community, contributing more to OpenJDK and JCP,
and collaborating with the industry for the common good of the Java ecosystem.
Alibaba Position Statement (.pdf file)
 Sanhong Li
Sanhong Li has been working on Java since 2004, when he began at Intel R&D Lab, implementing JSR135. He progressed to working on
developing IBM's J9VM in 2010, where he led a project to develop multi-tenancy technology for the JVM. In 2014, he joined Alibaba
to lead the development of Alibaba Dragonwell, a downstream of OpenJDK. He has authored over twenty technical patents/papers in the
areas of managed runtime and compiler and presented at various conferences such as JVMLS, JavaOne, JPoint, Joker, QCon, etc. He is a
Java Champion and the co-leader of the GreenTea JUG (the largest JUG in China), Alibaba's representative of the GraalVM Project
Advisory Board.
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BellSoft releases and supports free and secure Unified Java Runtime, Liberica JDK. It is available for most platforms and present-day
architectures, including microservices-based ones. We take the 25 years of Java as the foundation and improve the technology, adapting
it for developers today. We strive to become a JCP EC member to ensure that OpenJDK evolves according to the demands of the Java ecosystem.
The goal is to retain the main Open Source Principle: openness and transparency first. Besides OpenJDK, BellSoft provides the minimized
and optimized Linux distribution, Alpaquita Linux, which was created to address Java pain points.
BellSoft Position Statement (.pdf file)
 Aleksei Voitylov
With 17 years of Java experience, Aleksei Voitylov is the CTO and co-founder of BellSoft. A seasoned Java developer, Aleksei worked at
Sun and Oracle with various JVMs and JSRs implementations and helped deliver HotSpot and Java Language to the JDK. He founded BellSoft
to provide a high-quality Java SE Runtime relevant for all use cases. Aleksei is an Open Source Evangelist and OpenJDK contributor. He
presents at various Java developer conferences and contributes articles to the Java Magazine.
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BNY Mellon
BNY Mellon Technology, with a 3.5 billion budget in 2022 and more than 12,000 technologists and developers globally support the bank's
role as a leading provider of clearing, payments, custody, and asset management services to the global financial markets. Our group of
leading technologists and developers innovate solutions that support BNY Mellon's role as one of the largest investments companies that
oversees $43.0 trillion in assets under custody as of June 30, 2022. BNY Mellon is represented by Java Champions and well-recognized Java
User Group Leaders at the JCP Executive Committee: Donald Raab, Chandra Guntur and Sirisha Pratha.
Java Community Involvement:
- Active ratified member on the JCP Executive Committee (EC)
- Active participation in Quality Outreach to improve JDK release quality via several products
- Committed to Java in Education via workgroups
- Leading Java User Groups
- Engaging with the community via presentations, blogs, code workshops
- Open-Source involvement (see position statement for more details)
- Continue investing in and share success stories as well as lessons learned in the Evergreen Java Strategy @ BNY Mellon
As a member of the Java Community Process EC, our representatives will focus on education, evolution, stability, and adoption of Java,
both in and outside BNY Mellon.
BNY Mellon Position Statement (.pdf file)
 Donald Raab
Donald Raab is a Managing Director, Distinguished Engineer and Head of the Java Platform Engineering Team, BNY Mellon. Don has more than 20 years'
experience as a Software Engineer in the Financial Services industry. He started programming with Java in 1997. Don is a member of the JSR 335 Expert
Group (Libraries) and is also the creator of the Eclipse Collections Java Library that was originally open sourced as GS Collections in 2012 and migrated
to the Eclipse Foundation in 2015. Donald was selected as a 2018 Java Champion, and he is a frequent speaker and guest trainer at key Java conferences
and user group meetups including Oracle CodeOne, JavaOne, QCon New York, Devnexus, Devoxx US, EclipseCon, JVM Language Summit and Great Indian Developer Summit (GIDS).
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Creator of IntelliJ IDEA, one of the most popular Java IDEs, JetBrains makes development a more productive and enjoyable experience for developers across
the globe. JetBrains sets a high bar for itself in supporting new Java features in IntelliJ IDEA (including preview features), increasing the probability
of their adoption by the developer community.
As a member of the Executive Committee, JetBrains brings multiple areas of expertise. We are:
- developers that use Java extensively to develop our wide suite of tools.
- the creators of JVM language Kotlin, and understand the benefits of the JVM as a platform and know its impact is wider than just Java-the-language.
- leaders who understand the challenges of implementing new standards since we create tools for developers.
- active advocates for the Java platform, and help developers to learn about and adopt new APIs and standards.
JetBrains believes involvement in the community is fundamental to helping the Java platform to evolve and before being on the JCP EC, JetBrains was
involved in several Expert Groups, including JSR 305 (Annotations for Software Defect Detection), JSR 334 (Project Coin) and JSR 335 (Lambda Expressions).
 Mala Gupta
Mala Gupta works as a Developer Advocate with JetBrains. A Java Champion, she has authored multiple books with Manning, Packt, and O'Reilly
Publications on Java. She often presents at industry conferences on modern Java features and has over two decades of experience in the industry.
She has been actively supporting Oracle's Java certification as a path to career advancement.
She co-leads Delhi's Java User Group. A strong supporter of Women in Technology, she drives initiatives of the Women Who Code Delhi chapter to
augment the participation of women in tech. She is also the co-founder of KaagZevar.com -
a platform for nurturing creativity as an essential life skill.
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MicroDoc is technology oriented software development business with its headquarter in Munich Germany and subsidiaries in Stuttgart and Berlin.
Since 2000 MicroDoc has supplied embedded Java VMs to a worldwide customer base and has developed extensive domain know how in the telematics
and automotive space. MicroDoc is a long time supporter of open standards and commercially usable open source software. As a member of the
Eclipse Foundation, MicroDoc has contributed a 2D vector graphic implementation of the OpenVG standard to the eRCP project. MicroDoc's
managing director was elected to the Eclipse Board of Directors by the Eclipse membership at large as a representative for the Solution
Members four years in a row. Further, MicroDoc is an active contributor to OpenJDK. MicroDoc, as member of the Data Respons Group, holds a
ratified seat in the JCP EC since 2014 and has decided to run for the next election period to foster the development and growth of Java.
With focus on embedded applications in automotive, healthcare, and smart environments, MicroDoc wants to bring new features of Java in the
embedded world. To do so, MicroDoc is working hard on dedicated embedded versions of Java11 and onwards. However, automotive, healthcare and
smart environments have their unique challenges with a variety of hardware architectures and operating systems that require flexible adoption
of the Java technology, while maintaining adherence to the Java standards must be guaranteed.
MicroDoc Position Statement (.pdf file)
 Bruno Caballero
Bruno Caballero works for MicroDoc and is based in Berlin, Germany. During his career, Bruno has developed a wide range of embedded software projects.
Today he is involved in porting the Java virtual machine to new hardware platforms and operating systems, as well as supporting customers on creating
Java solutions for embedded devices. His main interest is learning new methodologies to create faster and more secure Java applications.
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With over 250,000 enterprise customers, SAP is the world's leading provider of business software. A significant portion of those SAP customers
run SAP based on Java. SAP has participated in the JCP since 2001, and collaborated in over 50 JSRs.
SAP contributes to OpenJDK since 2012. It currently leads the OpenJDK 17 updates project and the ppc64 port project. Further SAP participates
in the OpenJDK 11 updates project. SAP offers SapMachine, a free build of OpenJDK. SAP is committed to the continued success of Java.
 Götz Lindenmaier
Götz Lindenmaier works for SAP for more than 15 years . During this time he was involved in various projects around the SAP Java
Virtual Machine - starting with porting it to new platforms up to enhancing it with new features and finally maintaining long term support
versions of the JDK.
Götz is OpenJDK reviewer for a long time and helped SAP and its Java VM team engage in the OpenJDK project. He contributed the AIX,
ppc and s390 ports on behalf of SAP. Currently Götz is the lead of the OpenJDK 17 updates project and participating in the OpenJDK 11
updates project.
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Eclipse Foundation
The Eclipse Foundation has been participating and a champion of open source on the JCP Executive Committee since 2007. As the home of the
Eclipse Java IDE, Jakarta EE (formerly Java EE), MicroProfile, Adoptium, and the Eclipse Temurin Java SE runtime, the Eclipse Java Compiler,
Eclipse Collections, and OpenJ9 we are very much committed to an open Java ecosystem.
Our primary contribution to the JCP EC has always been to represent the interests of the open source community, and for independent
implementations of Java specifications. We also have a specification process that has been used successfully for Jakarta EE,
MicroProfile, Eclipse Sparkplug, and AsciiDoc.
We would like to continue representing our communities and others with similar interests on the JCP EC and would appreciate your support.
 Ivar Grimstad
Ivar Grimstad is the Jakarta EE Developer Advocate at Eclipse Foundation. He has served on the EC since 2016, worked on several JSRs,
and has been awarded as Outstanding Spec Lead and Start Spec Lead.
Besides advocating the Jakarta EE technologies, Ivar is contributing to the Jakarta EE specifications as well as being the PMC Lead for
Eclipse Enterprise for Java (EE4J). He is also one of the specification leads for Jakarta MVC as well as the Jakarta EE Platform
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GreenTeaJUG (https://greenteajug.github.io/) is a Java User Group from China.
Although Golang becomes more and more popular at China in Cloud Native Era. Java is still one of the most widely used language for enterprise
softwares. Members in GreenTeaJUG appreciate Java for the *** Engineering Value *** that empower ordinary engineers building reliable enterprise
softwares. GreenTeaJUG seeks the chance of nomination to express her appreciation for the Java community.
 Jianhao Mo
mojianhao https://www.linkedin.com/in/mojianhao/
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Microsoft deploys over 2 million internal JVMs across its businesses and runs Java on behalf of our customers on Azure.
For example, the Microsoft build of OpenJDK powers LinkedIn services and Mojang's Minecraft Java Edition for millions of
gamers worldwide.
Microsoft has been investing significantly in Open-Source tools, and services for Java developers. Over the past few years,
Visual Studio Code, with nearly 2 million active Java developers using it, has become the 3rd most used IDE / Code Editor for
Java Development. Extensions developed by Microsoft and other vendors and independent developers leverage a variety of projects
from well-known OSS Foundations. Java language support for Visual Studio Code relies on the Eclipse JDT project, which Microsoft
actively collaborates with Red Hat.
Our Java investments also expand through specific big data projects (Apache Lucene, Hadoop, Apache Spark, Apache Zookeeper,
Apache Kafka, et al.) critical to Microsoft's core business, including the Bing Search Index, Azure Control Plane, and Azure
Big Data Services.
Windows remains the most used Operating System by Java Developers. Microsoft wants to ensure that the developer experience
on Windows remains productive, fast, and delightful.
Azure customers and Microsoft have cross-platform requirements, and Microsoft wants to continue promoting Java's WORA promise.
Azure provides Linux and Windows servers and Mac OS X-based servers to build pipelines. Recently Microsoft provided the Windows
on Arm Java port and its porting expertise to help complete the Apple Silicon Java Port.
As a cloud vendor, Microsoft also sees Java as a fundamental technology in the cloud space. We believe in giving back to the Java
ecosystem by supporting the JCP's efforts to standardize Java technology as it evolves into a more cloud native platform.
Microsoft Position Statement (.pdf file)
 Martijn Verburg
Martijn Verburg is the Principal SWE Group Manager for the Java Engineering Group at Microsoft. Prior to the acquisition by Microsoft,
he was the CEO and co-founder of jClarity. He is the co-leader of the London Java User Group (LJC) and previously represented them in
the Steering Committees for both the Java Community Process and Jakarta EE. Martijn is one of the co-founders of Eclipse Adoptium
(previously AdoptOpenJDK) and today represents Microsoft on its Project Management Committee (PMC).
Martijn is the co-author of "The Well-Grounded Java Developer" and "The Well-Grounded Java Developer 2". He was made a Java Champion
in recognition for his contribution to the Java ecosystem.
Martijn can also be found at major conferences (JavaOne, JFokus, OSCON, Devoxx etc) where he is known for challenging the industry
status quo as "the Diabolical Developer".
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Ken Fogel
I am an individual member of the JCP. I did not represent any organization.
Ken Fogel Position Statement (.pdf file)
 Ken Fogel
I am currently a Research Scholar in Residence in the Computer Science Technology program at Dawson College, having retired after 31 years
as a professor and 25 years as the department chairperson. During my time in the classroom, I conducted the two project courses, one
desktop and one web, in the final year of the program. The program’s mandate is to train students, primarily right out of high school,
to become job-ready software developers in three years. In January 2019 I was honored with the title Java Champion. From 2016 until 2020
I organized the free one-day conference here in Montreal called DawsCon. Currently I lead a team of Java Champions in organizing the 4-day
JChampions Conference online in January. I have had the good fortune of speaking at JavaOne/CodeOne and other conferences since 2015.
I have just completed a video for Apress entitled Getting Started with Java Programming and I am working on a book entitled Transitioning
to Java for Packt. You can follow me on Twitter @omniprof and read my blog at www.omnijava.com.
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PERU JUG is member of JCP from many years ago. We participate in several conferences and organize JCONF PERU each year. We have committers in
important open source projects. We want to participate and collaborate in the future of Java.
 Jose Diaz
Computer Engineer, with extensive experience in analysis, design and implementation of SOA and Micro Services solutions for 20 years,
applying agile methodologies and PMI good practices. I am currently external consultant at Sunstone Tech AS (Norway). I am also the
founder and owner of JOEDAYZ.PE, a company dedicated to online and face-to-face training of
programming courses. I am the Leader of the Java Users Group of Peru, a group of Java users recognized worldwide by Oracle. Facilitator,
Organizer and Speaker at Events about Java, Java EE, Cloud Native, Micro Services and Serverless technologies. Winner of the Duke Choice
Awards 2017 for the JEspañol project. This 2018 I was chosen as Java Champion by Oracle and I am the first Peruvian to have this distinction
at the service of the world's IT community. I consider myself a professional with a high sense of responsibility, leader, proactive, with the
ability to interact with people from different hierarchical levels and transmit ideas. Results-oriented with the ability to solve problems
that require initiative and teamwork.
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Under the JCP 2.11 rules, the EC has resized. In 2021 and going forward, there will be 11 Ratified Seats, 4 Elected Seats, 2 Associate
Seats and the permanent seat held by Oracle America. Members serve 2-year terms that are staggered so that 8 or 9 of the 17 seats are
normally up for ratification/election each year.
The EC members guide the evolution of the Java technologies. The EC
represents a cross-section of both major stakeholders and other members
of the Java Community. Duties are: select JSRs for development, approve
draft Specifications for Public Review, approve Final Specifications,
review TCK appeals, approve Maintenance revisions and possibly defer
some features to a new JSR, approve transfer of maintenance duties
between members and provide guidance to the Program Management Office
(PMO). For more information on the EC, see the Executive Committee Info
page http://jcp.org/en/participation/committee.
2021 EC Elections Results
2020 EC Elections Results
2019 EC Elections Results
2018 EC Elections Results
2018 EC Special Elections Results
2017 EC Elections Results
2017 EC Special Elections Results
2016 EC Elections Results
2015 EC Elections Results
2014 EC Elections Results
2013 EC Elections Results
2012 EC Elections Results
2011 EC Elections Results
2010 EC Elections Results
2009 EC Elections Results
2008 EC Elections Results
2007 EC Elections Results
2006 EC Elections Results
2005 EC Elections Results
2004 EC Elections Results
2003 EC Elections Results
2002 EC Elections Results
2001 EC Elections Results
2000 EC Elections Results
For more information on the JCP, see the JCP Overview page.
Contact the PMO for election questions at pmo@jcp.org.