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Star Spec Lead Program | Star Spec Lead Benefits | Current Star Spec Leads | Star Spec Lead Mentorship
Over the summer many Star Spec Leads participated at JUG sessions, symposia and other community and industry events at which they gave updates about their JSRs. Check out the JCP Program newsletter of July and August for details.
In August Star Spec Leads Ed Burns and Jon Courtney posted updates for their JSRs.
You can find the latest posts at the links below.
At the Spec Lead Dinner hosted by the PMO during JavaOne Star Spec Leads mingled with new Spec Leads, EC Members, the PMO and Duke. As the special guests of honor they all got their picture taken with Duke. Duke and the PMO were very pleased to see how just minutes after announcing the new Star Spec Lead Program a new Spec Lead already found a willing mentor. With a short introduction from the PMO our Star Spec Lead Volker Bauche was talking to a new Spec Lead seeking help and advise.
- The winners of the 6th Annual Awards included 2 Star Spec Leads. Jaana Majakangas accepted the award for most outstanding Spec Lead for JavaME for JSR 293. Stefan Hepper received the most outstanding Spec Lead for JavaSE/EE for his work on JSR 286.
- Star Spec Lead Linda DeMichiel published the EDR for JSR 317 JavaTM Persistence 2.0 on 2 May 08, just in time for JavaOne.
Please email the PMO with any questions about becoming part of this program.
Spec Leads are selected based on the results of a poll of Expert Group (EG) members,
Executive Committee (EC) members, and PMO staff.