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Star Spec Lead Program | Current Star Spec Leads | Star Spec Lead News | Star Spec Lead Mentorship
Star Spec Leads benefits include the following but are not limited to the following selection of awards:
- Special Gift with announcement of their rank as Star
- Special photo opportunities with Duke at JavaOne
- Gifts of increasing value upon achievement of four JCP program JSR milestones -Early Draft Review (EDR), Public Review (PR), Proposed Final Draft (PFD), and Final Release (FR) - within the timeline initially communicated to the PMO (or having kept the PMO well informed of changes)
- Star Spec Lead activities highlighted on the program page and JCP.org in appropriate places
- Promotion of Star Spec Lead activities on jcp.org, Java and Sun Java sites, at events and to the media and analyst communities
- Invitations to JCP dinners and gatherings
- The Star Spec Lead icon appears on the Spec Lead's JSR detail pages and the List of All JSRs page, as well as the gif file being given to the Star Spec Lead for use on their project page if actively using the JSR Community on java.net
- Bio and photo become part of the JCP Program Community Focus series
- Appreciation gifts (cool stuff!) for appearances and participation
- Preferential treatment at JCP Marketing and Public Relations (PR) support, i.e. Star Spec Leads will be targeted first for articles in Javadeveloper publications (press interviews, contributed content, etc.). They will be featured in articles on jcp.org. Their JSRs will be pitched to the media for coverage and mentioned in analysts briefings
- Appreciation gifts (cool stuff!) for appearances and participation
- Letter from Chair of the JCP on initiation as Star Spec Lead (custom) and ongoing form letters from Chair as examples of exceptional behavior occur
- A group for Star Spec Leads on LinkedIn
Please email the PMO with any questions about becoming part of this program.
Spec Leads are selected based on the results of a poll of Expert Group (EG) members,
Executive Committee (EC) members, and PMO staff.