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This page contains links to various JCP-related news stories over the years.
- Compatibility and Community-a delicate balance (DDJ) (30 June 2006)
- Sun Adds New Features to 'Mustang' Version of Java(Eweek) (21 June 2006)
- Refactoring the EJB APIs Part II(Artima) (21 June 2006)
- Refactoring the EJB APIs Part I(Artima) (21 June 2006)
- Open standard interfaces-OSS/J ? Unlocking potential(EuroComms) (20 June 2006)
- Early Java EE 5 Users Praise Platform's Overhaul(InformationWeek) (13 June 2006)
- JCP needs more members for next-stage Java evolution(CW) (12 June 2006)
- Web Beans JSR 299 approved by JCP for further development (InfoQ) (7 June 2006)
- Sony Ericsson Wins JCP Member of The Year Award(18 May 2006)
- Microsoft and Sun prove it takes two to Tango(ItBusiness) (18 May 2006)
- JavaOne 2006: Fleury Dons Red Hat as JBoss Supports EJB Borland, Google, Oracle and Sun Add Support to Unified Component Model(JavaNewDesk) (16 May 2006)
- JCP Awards Set For JavaOne(WebproNews) (10 May 2006)
- JCP Annual Award Nominations(JCN) (10 May 2006)
- Women Spec Leads Make History for Java Technology (JIN) (30 April 2006)
- Java 2 Enterprise Edition 5 (J2EE 5) To Be Released Soon (JDJ) (28 March 2006)
- Geronimo Upgrade, Analysis on Tap for JavaOne (JDJ) (27 March 2006)
- The Role of Standards in Enterprise Content Management (b.eye) (20 March 2006)
- Six New Spec Leads Reach JCP Stardom (JDJ) (March 2006)
- James Gosling: "Java Is Under No Serious Threat From PHP, Ruby or C#" (JDJ) (12 March 2006)
- Sun Spots New Use for Java (WhatPC) (6 March 2006)
- Java SE 6 First Impressions:
A Desktop Winner (DevX) (27 February 2006)
- ObjectWeb to Deliver EJB3-based Middleware (Eweek) ( 22 February 2006)
- Sun Betas Aim to Simplify Java Development (Eweek) ( 22 February 2006)
- Raving about Java EE 5.
Graham Hamilton Blog (java.net) ( 21 February 2006)
- Sun Takes 'Mustang' For
Test Drive (DevX) ( 15 February 2006)
Interview With Hani Suleiman (TSS) (3 February 2006)
- Scripting Support in Mustang (OCI) (February 2006)
- Ensuring Speed and Openness: A Conversation With Onno Kluyt (jsc) (13 October 2005)
- Easy and Efficient XML Processing: Upgrade to JAXP 1.3 (jsc) (11 October 2005)
- Java Contactless Communication API (Artima) (5 October 2005)
- First constellation of Star Spec Leads takes shape - Part 2 (JDJ) (28 September 2005)
- JCP Tokyo Press Seminar (TechOn!, Japanese) (22 September 2005)
- Tommy -- An Unmanned, Autonomous Java Technology-Powered Dune Buggy (jsc) (22 September 2005)
- Internationalization: Understanding Locale in the Java Platform (jsc) (20 September 2005)
- Get Familiar with J2SE 5.0 Collections (DevX) (08 September 2005)
- J2SE 5.0 Adoption, Information to help make migration to J2SE 5.0 easier (jsc) (August)
- Joint Effort is Key to Java (AustralianIT) (23 August 2005)
- JSR Watch: JCP Launches New Program (JDJ) (10 August 2005)
- Service Oriented Business Integration (JSR 208 article on Artima) (10 August 2005)
- Onno Kluyt Interview Podcast (Artima) (03 August 2005)
- Getting Started With Java Data Objects (JDO) (jsc) (09 August 2005)
- The History of Java Technology (java.com) (August 2005)
- One Big Thank You (sun.com) (02 August 2005)
- 2005 Duke's Choice Awards (java.com) (August 2005)
- Getting Started With the Java Rule Engine API (JSR 94): Toward Rule-Based Applications (jsc) (26 July 2005)
- At 10, Java is Aging Well (eWeek) (25 July 2005)
- Challenges in the J2EE Web Tier While Frameworks Driving Innovation (JDJ) (18 July 2005)
- Mine Your Own Data with the JDM API (Artima) (7 July 2005)
- Mark Reinhold: Mustang Component JSRs (java.net) (19 July 2005)
- JCP Recognizes the Best Member, Spec Leads, and Specifications (JDJ) (18 July 2005)
- Father of Java Talks Futures (eWeek) (15 July 2005)
- 2005 Java Community Process Roundtable (Java Pro) (30 June 2005)
- Winners of JCP 2005 Awards Announced (Java Pro) (29 June 2005)
- Seven Secrets of the Star Spec Leads (Artima) (29 June 2005)
- Sun Outlines Next Two Versions of Java (eWeek) (28 June 2005)
- TSS JavaOne 2005 Day 1 Coverage (TSS) (27 June 2005)
- Graham Hamilton: Goodbye "J2SE", Hello "Java SE" (java.net) (27 June 2005)
- Sun Readies For 'The Power of Java' (DevX) (24 June 2005)
- Java's 10th Anniversary: JCP Program Celebrates With Record Results (JDJ) (23 June 2005)
- Sun to embrace past and future at 10th JavaOne show (InfoWorld) (23 June 2005)
- Java Turns 10: The Developer Retrospective (Devx) (22 June 2005)
- Prepare for New EJB 3.0 Persistence (Java Pro) (22 June 2005)
- Sun Improves Java's Security, Language Skills (eWeek) (20 June 2005)
- Celebrating 10 Years of Java (JavaWorld) (23 May 2005)
- The Apache Software Foundation to Hold Eighth ApacheCon Conference in San Diego (21 June 2005)
- Core Java Technology Features in Mustang (JSC) (16 June 2005)
- JSR 277: Replace JARS with Java modules and a repository (TSS) (15 June 2005)
- JSR 276: Design-Time Metadata for JSF Components (TSS) (15 June 2005)
- Glassfish: Sun releases appserver source on Java.net under JRL
- Core Java Technology Features in Mustang (JSC) (16 June 2005)
- JSR 277: Replace JARS with Java modules and a repository (TSS) (15 June 2005)
- JSR 276: Design-Time Metadata for JSF Components (TSS) (15 June 2005)
- Blogging about JMX technology (Eamonn McManus Blog) (8 June 2005)
- JSR-170 successfully passes Final Approval Ballot (TSS) (5 June 2005)
- Scripting Java: The BeanShell JSR (Artima) (5 June 2005)
- The Java Content Repository API (Artima) (3 June 2005)
- Managing Transparency, Innovation, and Reliability (JSC) (2 June 2005)
- Craig McClanahan Tech Talk on JavaServer Faces (TSS) (25 May 2005)
- JSR-274: The BeanShell Scripting Language submitted to JCP (TSS) (25 May 2005)
- JAX-RPC 2.0 renamed to JAX-WS 2.0 (java.net) (24 May 2005)
- Java Turns 10 (Internet.com) (23 May 2005)
- Recent JDK Features Ease Web Service Development (Artima) (23 May 2005)
- Broadcast Once, Watch Anywhere (Artima) (18 May 2005)
- DataDirect's XQuery implementation available in Beta (TheServerSide) (16 May 2005)
- Java Business Integration Technology Preview is Available (TheServerSide:) (16 May 2005)
- Sun's Gosling: Already Plenty of Java 'Harmony' Under the Sun (DevX) (16 May 2005)
- Increasing Transparency: Project Peabody (SDTimes) (15 May 2005)
- Evolving the Java Platform(SDTimes) (15 May 2005)
- Java Technology Turns 10! (java.com)
- Open-Source Java Project Creates a Stir (eWeek) (10 May 2005)
- Apache Talks Open Source Java (internetnews.com) (9 May 2005)
- Java Rockets Closer to VB-like Ease with JSR 273 (Artima) (5 May 2005)
- At 10, Java's wild success, missed chances (Computerworld) (5 May 2005)
- The Man Who Brewed Up Java (BusinessWeek) (4 May 2005)
- JCP April Newsletter
- JSR 170 review article
- Brazilians to bring a strong open source voice to the JCP (TSS) (28 April 2005)
- EJB3 is not Hibernate (TSS) (21 April 2005)
- How to Contribute Code to Mustang (java.sun.com) (19 April 2005)
- JCP fosters easier Java-based Web services (SearchWebServices.com) (18 April 2005)
- JCP 2.6 Works Toward Becoming More Visible (SD Times) (15 April 2005)
- James Gosling Wants to Connect The World with Java (JDJ) (15 April 2005)
- Brazilian Java Users Society Joins JCP (eWeek) (8 April 2005)
- Sun's Gosling Touts Java, Major Brazilian Group Joins JCP (JDJ) (8 April 2005)
- SD Times: Sun Streamlines Java Release Process (SD Times) (1 April 2005)
- SD Times: Sun Seeks Wider Base For EJB 3.0 (SD Times) (1 April 2005)
- Evolving the JCP Program Within the Java Ecosystem (JDJ) (April 2005)
- JavaServer Faces 1.2 and JavaServer Pages 2.1 Public Review Specifications available
- Happy Anniversary JCP 2.6!
- JCP Keynote Panel, Web Services Edge 2005
- "Culture Shift" As Control of JCP Shifts From Sun to Participants, Says META Report (JDJ) (25 March 2005)
- JSR 250: Common Annotations for the Java Platform in early draft (TheServerSide) (24 March 2005)
- Door to Java Source Code Opens A Crack Wider
- Onno Kluyt Sys-Con TV Interview
- Java Developer's Journal: Ten Years of Java Technology (JDJ) (10 March 2005)
- Guest Editorial by Kim Polese: "From Here to Ubiquity" (JDJ) (9 March 2005)
- Open-Source Leader Highlights Technologies for Developers to Watch (eWeek) (6 March 2005)
- News: Open-Source Guru Says JCP Is Too Closed (eWeek) (5 March 2005)
- Java vs. Microsoft /NET Debate Rages (InfoWorld) (5 March 2005)
- Java object spec set for open source Apache licensing (InfoWorld) (4 March 2005)
- JCP Lets Java 'Mustang' Run Free (InternetNews.com) (2 March 2005)
- EJB/JDO Persistence FAQ (java.sun.com) (2 March 2005)
- Java Data Objects Spec Passes on Second Vote (eWeek) (1 March 2005)
- The Winners are Announced for the Developer.com Product of the Year 2005 contest!
- From Within the Java Community Process Program Java technology interfaces for Web services (JDJ) (9 January 2005)
- JSR Update: A Web Services and XML Special Round-Up From the Java Community Process Program - A Look at the Key JSRs From Among the 20 Or So That Offer Benefits for Web Services (JDJ) (9 January 2005)
- Open-source software gets J2EE nod (CNet) (31 January 2005)
- InfoWorld: JOnAS App Server Gets J2EE-Certified (31 January 2005)
- JCP at Web Services Edge
- The new XPath API (JavaPro)
- Java Web Services chat (Sun Developer Network) (25 January 2005)
- Java Business Integration Spec Coming Soon (JDJ) (21 January 2005)
- JDO Expert Says: Have Faith in the JCP EC (theserverside.com) (20 January 2005)
- Java Technology for the Wireless Industry (JDJ) (05 January 2005)
- An Intro to Java Object Persistence with JDO (DevX) (05 January 2005)
- Portal Standards (JDJ) (05 January 2005)
- Developing Wireless Bluetooth Applications in J2ME (JDJ) (05 January 2005)
- J2SE Compatibility Test Sources Released (13 December 2004)
- JPay Draft APIs Could Be Ready By Xmas (13 December 2004)
- Apply JMX Best Practices (JavaPro) (10 December 2004)
- Write a Web Service Client (JavaPro) (10 December 2004)
- J2ME Technology Turns 5!
- SAMS: Java's API For Mobile Services (Java Boutique)
- Gartner Analyst Interview on JSR 170
- Understanding Portals and Portlets: Part 2 (JDJ) (15 December 2004)
- From Within the Java Community Process Program (JDJ) (8 December 2004)
- Using JAXB in J2EE-Based Enterprise Applications (JDJ) (8 December 2004)
- Tiger and Beyond, the Future of the Java Platform (20 November 2004)
- Google, JBoss, Intel among JCP election winners (IT Manager's Journal) (19 November 2004)
- Java Community Process Elections Results Are In (JDJ) (17 November 2004)
- Java Community Process Election Results (TheServerSide) (16 November 2004)
- 2004 EC Elections Open Letter from JCP Chair (16 November 2004)
- The Many Faces of J2EE, v5.0 (DevX) (16 November 2004)
- New Specs on the Table for Better Mobile Java (JDJ) (11 November 2004)
- Open source fills integration standards hole (Computer Business Review) (27 October 2004)
- Shout from the Hilltops with the J2ME Wireless Messaging API (DevX) (26 October 2004)
- WSJ Exclusive: Bright Future for J2EE Web Services Development (Web
Services Journal) (23 October 2004)
- Build Better Platforms with Binary Standards (JCP session from JavaPro
Live!) (18 October 2004)
- Analyst report: J2EE in Jeopardy? (17 October 2004)
- Tiger Ships Audiocast (30 September 2004)
- JAIN/SLEE (JDJ) (September 2004)
- Where's Java Going with 6.0 (JDJ) (6 October 2004)
- From Within the Java Community Process Program (JDJ) (October 2004)
- New Standard Java Spec Emerges (internetnews.com) (30 September 2004)
- Tiger Roars: The Release of Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE)
5.0, an Interview with Sun Fellow Graham Hamilton (java.sun.com) (30 September 2004)
- Sun to drive Mustang as future release of Java (InfoWorld) (30 September 2004)
- Report: Web Services Market to Explode (DevX) (27 September 2004)
- Sun Persists with Single Programming Model (DevX) (27 September 2004)
- JCP Update: Elections Approach, JavaServer Faces 1.2 Approved
Plus JCP ECs passed their Final Approval Ballots for the Tiger JSRs
(JDJ) (20 September 2004)
- Busy busy. Ballots in for Tiger (TheServerSide.com) (14 September 2004)
- Sun exec: Community brings innovation to Java (InfoWorld) (14 September 2004)
- Java Perspective: Railroads & Java - History Repeats Itself (JDJ) (8 September 2004)
- From Within the Java Community Process Program (JDJ) (7 September 2004)
- The Evolution of Web Application Technologies for Java (JDJ) (7 September 2004)
- Nokia, Vodafone Collaborate on Mobile Java (NewsFactor) (26 August 2004)
- Java Technology Concept Map (java.sun.com)
- JCP: A Watched Pot Never
Boils (ADTmag.com) (1 June 2004)
- Creative Commons: The
boundaries of intellectual property (ADTmag.com)
2004 JCP Program Awards Ceremony Feature (24 August 2004)
- Tiger Stripes: Get Ready to Purr Over J2SE 5.0 (DevX.com) (24 August 2004)
- JCP online chat transcript from java.sun.com (17 August 2004)
- Turbo Charging Java for Real Time Applications (JDJ) (2 August 2004)
JCP Approves Oracle-Led Data Mining Specification, JSR-73 (JDJ) 29 July 2004
Turbo Charging Java for Real Time Applications (JDJ) 2 August 2004
JCP talks open source at Toronto meeting (IT World Canada) 29 Jul 2004
Java's gatekeepers: How we set the standards (ITBusiness Canada) 28 July 2004
Richard Monson-Haefel leaves Java Community (TheServerSide.COM) 21 July 2004
- Project Tiger Unleashed: "Most Significant" Platform Release (JDJ) (28 June 2004)
- Borland Joins Java Tools Community (JDJ) (27 June 2004)
- Onno Kluyt keynote at The ServerSide Symposium 2004
- JCP Awards Recognize Dedication and Innovation (22 June 2004)
- Extending Metadata Recognition, The Java programming language metadata
facility (JSR 175) for J2SE 1.5 foments discussion at The ServerSide
Symposium 2004
(JavaPro) (16 June 2004)
- Take the Fast Track to J2SE 1.5, JCP experts listened and developed the
best developer platform. Discover how new J2SE 1.5 features can
streamline your code
(JavaPro) (16 June 2004)
- Making Concurrency Easier (JavaPro) (31 May 2004)
- Sun Pushes Java Business Integration Spec for SOAs (EWeek) (21 May 2004)
- JCP Watch: JSP 2.1, JDK 1.5, Web Services Metadata (TheServerSide.com) (11 May 2004)
- The Standard with a Version Number (5 April 2004)
- JCP 2.6 opens Sun's Java process (ADTmag.com) (16 March 2004)
- The JCP Evolves Again (java.sun.com) (14 March 2004)
- JDJ Meets Sun's JCP 2.6 Maestro, Aaron Williams (JDJ News Desk) (11 March 2004)
- Java Community Process 2.6: The JCP Evolves Again (JDJ News Desk) (10 March 2004)
- Java standards group refreshes its procedures (Computerweekly, Technology: EAI Tools) (10 March 2004)
- JCP 2.6 Looking for More Input (Devx.com) (9 March 2004)
- JCP Watch: Updates to the JCP (Developer.com) (9 March 2004)
- Java Stewards Announce New Version of Java Community (eWEEK) (9 March 2004)
- Java Community Process To Tweak Charter (CRN) (9 March 2004)
- Java amendment process is revised (InfoWorld) (9 March 2004)
- JCP 2.6 Evolution: New Process Released (TheServerSide.com) (9 March 2004)
- J2SE 1.5: JAVA'S EVOLUTION CONTINUES (Devx.com) (8 March 2004)
- Language Features of Java Generics (JavaPro) (3 March 2004)
- Voices of the Java Tools Community (java.sun.com) (March 2004)
- Vendors Launch Effort To Boost Java Tools Interoperability (CRN) (March 2004)
- Java Tools Community Forms (eWEEK) (March 2004)
- Newly Elected JCP Executive Committee Members Reflect on Past, Peer into Future (January 2004)
- JCP JSR 235 Update (JDJ News Desk and JDJ Newsletter) (12 January 2004)
- J2SE 1.5 (Tiger) Available for Review Until January 26 (JDJ News Desk and JDJ Newsletter) (7 January 2004)
- JCP JSR 163 Update (JDJ News Desk and JDJ Newsletter)
- The JCPSM Program Celebrates Fifth Anniversary, Evolution of Process and Platform (12 December 2003)
- Java Maintains Lead Over C# For Web-Services Development (InternetWeek) (1 December 2003)
- JCP Program approves Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 1.4 specification (java.sun.com) (24 November 2003)
- Developers Say Yes to Web Services J2EE 1.4 (internetnews.com) (20 November 2003)
- Oracle readies portal-building tools (CNET) (19 November 2003)
- JCP Election Results: Richard Monson-Haefel and Doug Lea are in (TheServerSide.com) (19 November 2003)
- Happy 5th Birthday To The JCP (javalobby.org) (18 November 2003)
- Java Community Process Approves J2EE 1.4 (eWeek) (18 November 2003)
- Portal vendors unite behind standards (InfoWorld) (10 November 2003)
- BEA Releases Preview of Streaming API for Java (TheServerSide.com) (6 November 2003)
- BEA Releases Finalized StAX (internetnews.com) (5 November 2003)
- Brewing Java, PHP En Masse (internetnews.com) (3 November 2003)
- Prepare for Java Language Changes (JavaPro) (10 October 2003)
- No-Problem Portlet Development (InformationWeek) (6 October 2003)
- JCP Watch: J2METM Location API, JavaTM OLAP and XML Streaming (developer.com) (29 September 2003)
- Java Group Mulls Opening Executive Committee Nominations (CRN) (25 September 2003)
- What's New in the JCP: Votes, JSRs and a new process (TheServerSide.com) (25 September 2003)
- Tough Choices Ahead for Java Council (Internetnews.com) (25 September 2003)
- Java Panel Pondering Web Services, Portal Proposals (InfoWorld) (24 September 2003)
- JBoss joins Java Community Process (CNET News) (23 September 2003)
- JBoss joins JCP, but without J2EE certification (Computerworld) (22 September 2003)
- Registration Opens for ApacheCon 2003, the Global Hub for All Things Apache (15 September 2003)
- Key Standards For Web Services-Enabled Portals Nearing Final Approval, CRN (3 September 2003)
- Coming Together On Wireless Java (SD Times) (1 August 2003)
- From Within the Java Community Process Program (JDJ) (August 2003)
- Java Community Process Leaders Look At Way To Improve (CRN) (18 July 2003)
- Leaders Admit To Kinks In Java Community Process, Members Defend Standards Committee Against Naysayers (CRN) (18 June 2003)
- Users, vendors debate merits of open-source Java (Computerworld) (16 June 2003)
- Sun Moves To Open Up, Streamline Java Process (SD times) (15 June 2003)
- Luminaries Debate Issues, Opportunities (Java Pro) (11 June 2003)
- Onno Kluyt, Director of the JCP, interviewed by Alan Williamson, SYS-CON Radio LIVE Coverage of JavaOne 2003 (11 June 2003)
- Web Log on Innovation and JCP activities at JavaOne 2003 (11 June 2003)
- The JCPSM Program Makes Way for Community (30 May 2003)
- Sun Revises Java Community Process (eWeek) (27 May 2003)
- New Java Approval Process Planned (InfoWorld) (23 May 2003)
- Java Board Streamlines its Approval Process (internetnews.com) (23 May 2003)
- Sun opens up Java process (CNET) (23 May 2003)
- JCP Watch: Changes to the JCP, J2ME Core Specification Updates (developer.com) (08 May 2003)
- Sun Prepares to Unleash Java Tiger (eWeek) (7 April 2003)
- JSR-1 Finally Bears Fruit: TimeSYS Delivers JTime JVM (SD Times) (1 April 2003)
- Get Small with Wireless Messaging and Mobile Media (Java Pro Magazine) (March 2003 issue)
- Sun Brewing Simpler Java (eWeek) (17 March 2003)
- Java Watch: Eclipse, NetBeans and JSR 198 (SD Times) (15 March 2003)
- J2ME Web Services Set for Summer (SD Times) (15 March 2003)
- JCP Watch: Business Processes, More XML Support and Enhanced Java Platform Support on Small Devices (Developer.com) (12 March 2003)
- "The Future of Java" (NewsFactor.com) (24 February 2003)
- JCP Embraces WS-I for J2EE 1.4 (SD Times) (15 February 2003)
- JCP Expert Group Maps Future of J2ME-Based Devices (SD Times) (15 February 2003)
- ROUND TABLE: Newly Elected Executive Committee Members Excited about Future for Java Community ProcessSM Program (7 February 2003)
- Community Evolution (Java Pro Magazine) (February 2003 issue)
- Effort on the Edge Part II: A fact-based analysis of the JCP's effectiveness (Java World) (31 January 2003)
- Sun's Java rules shape future of phones (CNET) (30 January 2003)
- Java Community ProcessSM 2.5: An Interview with Don Deutsch (30 January 2003)
- JavaTM Content API (Transform Magazine) (January 2003)
- JCP Talk: JavaWorld Interviews JCP Chair Rob Gingell (17 December 2002)
- New members join Java Community ProcessSM board (InfoWorld) (21 November 2002)
- Effort on the edge, Part 1; Does the JCP adequately balance innovation with maintenance of Java's standards? (Java World) (8 November 2002)
- New JCP Agreement and Rules to Stimulate Innovation, Create More Choices for Java Developers (Java Developer's Journal) (1 November 2002)
- A Look at the New JCP the Evolution Continues (31 October 2002)
- Sun Relaxes Hold on Future Java Licensing (CRN) (29 October 2002)
- Java Community Process 2.5 Announced (TheServerSide.com) (29 October 2002)
- JCP Open-Source Upgrade Released (InfoWorld) (29 October 2002)
- JCP Embraces Open-source Licensing (internetnews.com) (29 October 2002)
- Java Licensing Changes Will Open Door to Open Source (eWeek) (28 October 2002)
- Sun to fund open-source efforts (CNET) (13 August 2002)
- Java Group To finalize New Charter By Year's End (CRN) (25 July 2002)
- BEA Moves Toward Web Services Interoperability (InfoWorld) (22 July 2002)
- Sun, allies, redial Java for cell phones, CNET (3 July 2002)
- JCP Mulls Java Change With Eye on VB Developers, CRN (3 July 2002)
- Big Step Forward in Apache/Sun Agreement, Servlets.com Blog (25 June 2002)
- Is the JCP adequately preparing Java for Web services, Java World (21 June 2002)
- New Java Protocol Could Give Sun Web Services Edge, eWeek (27 May 2002)
- BEA Pushes New Java Spec, InfoWorld (13 May 2002)
- And the Award Goes to...
Top developers and companies were feted for their technological achievements and
contributions to the Java community (28 March 2002)
- Sun Opens Up Java to Open Source, InternetWeek (26 March 2002)
- More Specs Brew in the JCP, Java World (28 March 2002)
- Sun to Allow Open Source Java Implementations, Apache Today (26 March 2002)
Communication and Openness Rule the Java Community ProcessSM
(JCPSM) (8 April 2002)
- ROUND TABLE: Newly Elected Executive Committee Members see Bright Future for Java Community ProcessSM Program (25 January 2002)
- eWeek
JCP Gets Java Services-Ready (7 January 2002)
- Java Developer ConnectionTM
"The Java Compatibility Test Tool: JavaTest Harness" (5 November 2001)
- Java Developer ConnectionSM
The JavaTM Compatibility Test Tools: Spec Trac (10 August 2001)
- "From the Source,"
Rich Green, vice president of Java Software, discusses open, ubiquitous JavaTM technology and Microsoft`s latest move (7 August 2001)
- Evolving in Web Speed: The JCP Initiative
How Sun's open process accelerates the development of the Java platform. (8 June 2001)
- The Java Community ProcessSM 2.0 Program Spurs Growth in Consumer and Embedded Markets
Several speakers underscored the importance of the Java Community ProcessSM 2.0 program for embedded systems development at the 2001 Embedded Systems West Conference in San Francisco. (6 June 2001)
- Moved and Improved: The JCP Program's New Home at JCP.org
The Java Community ProcessSM program expands to include new ways for anyone developing with JavaTM technology to participate in the evolution of the platform. (5 June 2001)
- Java Community
ProcessSM Program Momentum Continues
At The 2001 JavaOneSM
Includes list of Conference Events (30 May 2001)
- Round Table
New JCP Program Executive Committee Members Speak Out. (26 January 2001)
Java Developer ConnectionSM
Questions and Answers about the Java Community Process (14 December 2000)
- eWeek
Java Groups Eye Openness (4 December 2000)
- InfoWorld
"Java Community Process elects an executive committee" (27 November 2000)
- Interactive Week
"Brewing Java" (22 November 2000)
- Java Community ProcessSM Program Election Results Are In!
Election results for the new JCP Executive Committee Members are in and final. (15 November 2000)
- The Java Community ProcessSM Program in Action
Learn how JCP Executive Committees guide the development and evolution of Java technologies. (23 October 2000)