The job of an Executive Committee (EC) representative
is a serious commitment. The time required is extensive, and includes reading of specifications, Reference Implementations (RIs),
and Technology Compatibility Kits (TCKs), as well as regular attendance at EC meetings and teleconferences to discuss and vote on
various technical and process topics. Besides voting on Java Specification Requests (JSRs) at various stages, the EC guides the
Program Management Office (PMO) in the evolution of the Java Community Process (JCP) program. EC decisions can have significant,
long-term consequences to not only the community, but also in the industry and the market. Still, plenty of JCP participants relish
the task of representing a corporation, non-profit, open source group, or themselves.
Jens is an Expert in Open Platform Architectures and has been working with Java since 1997 and Java in clustered high availability platforms since 2000. He is the specification lead for JSR 319, Availability Management for Java. He is also an evangelist for the use of Java in the telecom industry through the industry forums SCOPE, an industry alliance committed to accelerating the deployment of standardized platforms, and Service Availability Forum (SAF), a consortium developing HA interface specifications. Within SAF he is the main driver for adapting SAF APIs to effectively support integration with Java.
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