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Find out more about the latest happenings and announcements in the JCP program, by visiting the front page of
Some recent JCP-related news items are listed below. |
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- JCP EC Elections are happening now. The ratification ballot is available with voting open until 17
October at midnight PDT. The JSPA 2 contact for each JCP member company or individual are eligible
to vote and were sent their voting PIN this week via email. Please exercise your voting rights to
determine the EC members for the next 3 year term.
Get more information and to cast your vote.
Nominations for the remaining 2 seats on each EC can be submitted this year from 18-30 October.
If you or your company is interested in joining one of the ECs this is a good time to prepare
your nomination. The nomination template will become available from the voting web site on 18
October. Open election voting will follow 1-14 November on jcpelection2005.org
The JCP program is hosting a
dessert and coffee reception at the OOPSLA conference in San Diego on 18 October.
The reception will be an informal and highly interactive format to engage in discussions
with peers about past, present and future Java technology specifications, projects, and more.
JCP Chair, Onno Kluyt, will present at the 2005 JavaOne(SM) Tokyo Conference on 7
November during an afternoon event organized for Java technology licensees. JavaOne
Tokyo will bring together thousands of developers and business decision-makers from
across Asia to celebrate 10 years of Java technology innovation and chart a course
for the next decade.
More information here.
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The JCP PMO organized a press seminar in Tokyo, Japan, as part of the series of press activities
in conjunction with face-to-face JCP EC meetings. The event proved to be an ideal opportunity for
local press to leverage the presence of the JCP EC members in Tokyo. The press seminar was hosted by
NTT DoCoMo and executive speakers included: Onno Kluyt, JCP Program Chair; and the following JCP EC
members: Ed Cobb, BEA; Michael Bechauf, SAP, and Pentti Savolainen, Nokia. The presentations focused
on compatibility, evolving the technology via binary standards, participation, flexibility, and
transparency. Onno Kluyt spoke about the power of Java to build communities, create opportunity and
generate innovation. The event was very well attended by local press - over 20 Japanese reporters
participated, and generated significant coverage. See below for links to articles (in Japanese).
The Sun office in Seoul, Korea organized a JCP Training session for all its licensees and customers,
drawing phenomenal attendance. JCP Program Manager, Liz Kiener, delivered a day of JCP Training to a
mixed crowd of new JCP members, non members, future Expert Group members and future Spec Leads. For
many of the attendees the JCP program and the process was new. The interactive training was a
success and the PMO received favorable notes and comments.
Watch the jcp.org home page for the 2006 training calendar. The training is free of charge and open to
everyone. The PMO sets up training for small groups upon request in the San Francisco Bay Area and is
also available for kickoff meetings of Expert Groups. Spec Leads can request the PMO's presence on
first conference calls or face to face meetings if the PMO is in the area or the meeting is in the
Bay Area.
Questions regarding training should be addressed to Liz@jcp.org
or by telephone at: +1 510 550 4353.
- Also in September, the JCP program sponsored the JavaZone event is Oslo, Norway and presented to a
large group of Java developers a technical, business oriented session on
how Java technology evolves through the JCP program
and ways to participate and become involved in the community.
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On 1 October BenQ Mobile officially became a new business group of BenQ Corporation.
This transition completed BenQ's June announcement to acquire Siemens Mobile Devices
Division. BenQ Mobile's headquarters will remain in Munich and over 7,000 employees
will continue to be entirely dedicated to the development, sales and marketing of
wireless communication devices.
This transition is significant to the Java ME community because it instantly makes BenQ the 3rd
largest contributor of Java ME technology behind Sun Microsystems and Nokia. 9 of the 11 JSRs
that Siemens Mobile was spec lead, including the spec leads and know-how, will transition to
BenQ Mobile. In addition, spec leads of other Java ME JSRs should have received requests for
Siemens Mobile representation on JSR Expert Groups
to be converted to BenQ Mobile. Any questions or concerns regarding
this transition should be directed to Calinel Pasteanu at BenQ Mobile (calinel.pasteanu@ siemens .com).
Get more information on this transition.
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Did you know that the PMO offers Public Relations support to spec
leads? The JCP conducts outreach to the press with JSR news on an
ongoing bi-weekly basis. If would like to
highlight your JSR, please contact Corina Ulescu at corina@jcp.org.
- JSR 284, Resource Consumption Management API, has been approved to continue development in the JCP program.
- JSR 232, Mobile Operational Management, is now available for Early Draft Review. This review closes 6 November.
- JSR 222, Java Architecture for XML Binding 2.0, Expert Group has published a Proposed Final Draft.
- JSR 181, Web Services Metadata for the Java Platform, is now available for Maintenance Review. This review closes 31 October.
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Here is how to contact the Program Office:
Expert Group (EG) Coordination: If you have an EG kick-off meeting and would like to get an
overview of the JSR 2.6 program please contact the JSR Program Manager:
Liz@jcp.org or at 1 510 550 4353.
Liz is also available to facilitate face to face meetings for your
EG or help two or more EGs of related or dependent JSRs to meet.
http://jcp.org/en/jsr/proposal: to submit proposals for new JSRs.
spec-submit@jcp.org: to send in your draft and/or
final specification documents and related materials (as .pdf or Zip archive, please.
Other formats will not be posted).
admin@ jcp.org: Expert Group lists, in case you
misplaced your Member access information.
jcp.org: to reach the PMO.
Interested in receiving this newsletter directly?
Join the JCP program.
Best regards,
Heather VanCura for the JCP PMO
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