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Java Community Process: Executive Committee Special Election Nominees for 2017

EC Elections
2017 Executive Committee Special Election Nominees

The 2017 Executive Committee Special Election will begin on 18 April to fill the two open Ratified Seats.

The recording of the "Meet the JCP Executive Committee Candidates" conference call, hosted on on Thursday, 13 April at 10 AM PDT is now available.

Please refer to the Java Community Process EC Elections page for more information on the Executive Committee Elections.

Please refer to the Executive Committee Information page for more information on the current Executive Committee.

Qualifications of the Candidates for the 2017 Executive Committee (EC) Special Election

What follows are the qualification statements provided by the candidates for the Executive Committee, along with a brief biography of the person who would serve as the Member's representative on the Executive Committee if elected, and a position statement when one was provided.


Chips based on ARM technology are used to run Java on all computing form factors, from small embedded devices running Java ME, to infrastructure and servers running Java EE. ARM is very active in Java based software efforts both for the Internet of Things, as well as in support of Java on ARM-based gateways and servers.

Rod Crawford

I am passionate about empowering people through technology, enabling them to garner and communicate relevant knowledge -- knowledge that relates to the time and place where they are and to the people around them. I've been part of the mobile computing revolution for 25 years, 20 of them at ARM. I work directly with many of the major open software technologies and companies, helping create new and exciting ways to compute and communicate while on the go, and thus give a voice to the inhabitants of the global village.


For over 15 years, JetBrains has strived to make the strongest, most effective developer tools. Most well-known for IntelliJ IDEA, one of the most popular IDEs for Java and other languages, JetBrains aims to make development a more productive and enjoyable experience.

JetBrains believes involvement in the community is fundamental to helping the Java platform to evolve and has been involved in several Expert Groups, including JSR 305 (Annotations for Software Defect Detection), JSR 334 (Project Coin) and JSR 335 (Lambda Expressions). As a member of the Executive Committee, JetBrains will bring multiple areas of expertise. We are

  • an organisation that uses Java extensively, we are developers who use live and breathe the language
  • a producer of tools for developers, we understand the challenges of implementing new standards
  • active advocates for the Java platform, we help developers to learn about and adopt new standards
  • the creators of Kotlin, a JVM language that's fully interoperable with Java, we see the benefits of the JVM as a platform and understand its impact is wider than just Java-the-language

Trisha Gee

Trisha Gee is a Java Champion and the IntelliJ IDEA Developer Advocate for JetBrains, a role which is perfect for her passion of evangelising Java after nearly 20 years of developing enterprise applications with it. Her goal is to help developers to "level up" as the language evolves. She has written and presented on Java 8, helping developers to understand how to use the new features and how to refactor to utilise the latest idioms, and is now focussed on teaching Java 9.

Trisha was previously involved in the JCP Executive Committee via the London Java Community, and helped to create the Adopt a JSR and Adopt OpenJDK initiatives.



After the Executive Committee (EC) Elections in 2012, the SE/EE and ME Executive Committees were merged into a single Executive Committee as defined by JSR 355 and the JCP 2.9 Process Document. In the merged Executive Committee, there are 16 Ratified Seats, 8 Elected Seats and the permanent seat held by Oracle America. Members serve 2-year terms that are staggered so that 12 of the 24 seats are normally up for ratification/election each year.

The EC members guide the evolution of the Java technologies. The EC represents a cross-section of both major stakeholders and other members of the Java Community. Duties are: select JSRs for development, approve draft Specifications for Public Review, approve Final Specifications, review TCK appeals, approve Maintenance revisions and possibly defer some features to a new JSR, approve transfer of maintenance duties between members and provide guidance to the Program Management Office (PMO). For more information on the EC, see the Executive Committee Info page

2016 EC Elections Results

2015 EC Elections Results

2014 EC Elections Results

2013 EC Elections Results

2012 EC Elections Results

2011 EC Elections Results

2010 EC Elections Results

2009 EC Elections Results

2008 EC Elections Results

2007 EC Elections Results

2006 EC Elections Results

2005 EC Elections Results

2004 EC Elections Results

2003 EC Elections Results

2002 EC Elections Results

2001 EC Elections Results

2000 EC Elections Results

For more information on the JCP, see the JCP Overview page.

Contact the PMO for election questions at