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After you have incorporated any changes you decided to make after the public has reviewed your PFD and you've completed the work on the RI and TCK, you are ready to go final Release. You need to submit the Final materials to the PMO ( to put on the EC Final Approval Ballot. As with JSR Approval Ballot the PMO must receive all the materials of your submission on or before the Wednesday before the Tuesday that you wish the Ballot to start. The Final Approval Ballot runs for a 2 week voting period starting on Tuesday and ending on Monday, midnight PST/PDT. Once again it is good practice to get a sense of the voting EC's opinion on what you consider to be the Final version of your JSR. It is necessary that you are available during the voting period or you designate someone that will be able to respond any questions the voting EC may have.
When submitting the Final materials to the PMO please provide all of the following:
- The completed questionnaire, found at:
- The Final Spec, in pdf or zip format (please note that Javadoc files must be zipped).
- The Final Reference Implementation, in .zip format
- The Final Technology Compatibility Kit, in .zip format
- The version number of your spec and the full legal name of your company or organization for the specification license. The PMO hosts the Final Approval Ballot for you, and uses Oracle's general Final Release license unless you provide your own Final license.
- The checklist for transparency, with specifics for your JSR.
- The TCK Coverage Document. This is a one- to two-page summary to assist the EC in evaluating the TCK. Please see more details in the 'Developing TCKs' section below.
- The full text of the final licenses for the spec, RI and TCK. 3rd party implementations must be able to pass the TCK. Please look in the "Writing a JSR" section above for licensing templates. You can use one of these templates or any other licensing model provided the compatibility requirements as demanded in the appropriate JCP Document are addressed. The latest version is JCP 2.7, found at:, which requires that every JSR under 2.6 or later must allow for independent implementations.
- The process by which qualified individuals, educational and not for profit organizations can access the TCK at no cost.
- The name and contact info of the Maintenance Lead. In case the Maintenance Lead is a different company or organization the PMO requires an authorization from an Executive of the current Spec Lead company or organization relinquishing interest in the JSR. The same applies for a Spec Lead change earlier in the JSR process.
- The first level TCK Appeals Process, per JCP Document section 3.2.2., which handles challenges to the tests in the TCK.
Assuming the Final Approval Ballot is successful, the PMO will take your answers and work to publish your Final Release from those materials soon thereafter (see "Turnaround time", below). When the Final Release is posted, your Expert Group officially disbands, its work complete.
If the ballot does not succeed, you have 30 days to consider the EC comments, revise your materials, and resubmit them for a Final Reconsideration Ballot. These are conducted the same as the initial Final Approval Ballot. If you plan on submitting materials for Final Reconsideration Ballot, please notify the PMO via as soon as possible. If the initial Final Approval Ballot fails and you do not submit for Final Reconsideration Ballot within 30 days or you do submit and the Final Reconsideration Ballot is also voted down by the EC, the JSR is marked as Rejected and the Expert Group disbands.
If the Final Reconsideration Ballot is approved by the EC, you may proceed to submitting the materials for Final Release normally. Please notify the PMO at your earliest convenience when you will submit the materials for Final Release.
Turnaround time: With any public posting of a spec to, the PMO will post the spec and related materials within 10 business days of receiving ALL the materials at
The PMO welcomes suggestions and requests from the Spec Leads for improvements of this guide and the process: