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JSR #377
Desktop|Embedded Application API
JSR Renewal Ballot
Ballot duration: 2018-06-05   to: 2018-06-11

Special Vote Instructions:

The APIs for JSR-377 have reached the next milestone and are available from in source form. The repository includes instructions to generate both binary and javadoc packages. Integration with JSR-382 has been discussed and a consensus was reached (see where JSR-377 *will not* rely on JSR-382 due to compatibility issues coming from their Converter API, as it does not provide enough behavior required by JSR-377. However it's possible for JSR-377 enabled applications to consume JSR-382 configuration *if and only if* sensible default values complying with JSR-377's API are provided.
Work on the JSR-377 TCK ( was also started, and it's currently sitting at 50% completion.
The selected RI (the Griffon framework) sports a branch (private at the moment) with updates coming from JSR-377 APIs, removing Griffon's own Action, I18n, Resource management in favor of JSR-377's.
Additional type converters ( inspired in JSR-377's Converter API are provided as an additional, non required download. Implementors and developers are free to leverage or disregard this additional binary.

These are the final results of the JSR Renewal Ballot for JSR #377. The EC has approved this ballot.


Alibaba Co. Ltd. Yes
Almiray, Andres Yes
Arm Limited Yes
Azul Systems, Inc. Yes
Credit Suisse Yes
Eclipse Foundation, Inc No Vote
Fujitsu Limited Yes
Gemalto M2M GmbH Yes
Goldman Sachs & Co. Yes
Grimstad, Ivar Yes
Hazelcast Yes
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Yes
IBM Abstain
Intel Corp. Yes
JetBrains s.r.o. Yes
London Java Community Yes
MicroDoc Yes
Oracle Yes
Red Hat Yes
Software AG Yes
SouJava No Vote
Tomitribe No Vote
Twitter, Inc. Yes
V2COM No Vote

Icon Legend
Yes Yes
No No
Abstain Abstain
Not voted Not voted

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