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JSRs: Java Specification Requests
JSR 99: Java Specification Participation Agreement
Updates to the Original Java Specification Request (JSR)
The Community Review ballot for JSR 99 was approved by both Executive Committees on 12
March 2002. The Apache Software Foundation gave feedback (in the form of a position paper). Read the Java Community Process Chair's response here.
Identification |
Request |
Section 1. Identification
Submitting Member: Sun Microsystems Name of Contact Person: Jonathan Nimer E-Mail Address: jonathan.nimer@sun.com Telephone Number: +1 408 343 1693 Fax Number: +1 408 343 1757 Specification Lead: Jonathan Nimer E-Mail Address: jonathan.nimer@sun.com Telephone Number: +1 408 343 1693 Fax Number: +1 408 343 1757 Initial Expert Group Membership: Andersen Consulting
Section 2: Request
The JSPA sets forth the basic legal structure according to which companies and individuals are to participate in the development and distribution of specifications, reference implementations and technology compatibility kits within the larger framework of the Java Community Process. N/A An Ad Hoc Committee of the JCP Executive Committee has been meeting for several months to address accumulated comments and concerns with the JSPA. The Ad Hoc Committee has divided its efforts into "short term" issues, that could be addressed in a maintenance release of the JSPA, and longer term issues that require more extensive consideration. As a result of this process, a maintenance revision of the JSPA has been proposed for Community Review. The changes it reflects are modest, primarily editorial in nature, and will not result in signficant changes to the rights and obligations of Members in comparison to prior versions of the JSPA.
The purpose of this JSR is to further explore the more substantial issues considered by the Ad Hoc Committee (as well as other possible changes) which, if adopted, would signfiicantly alter the rights and obligations of Members in comparison to prior JSPAs Issues that might be addressed include:
(i) patent license/non-assert provisions with respect to a Member's own "Contributions";
(ii) patent license/non-assert provisions with respect to all other Members' Contributions, i.e. with respect to all "Output" of the JCP;
(iii) role of Sun as licensor and as licensee when Sun is not the Specification Lead with respect to a particular JSR;
(iv) are the current terms and conditions concerning "Independent Implementations" properly drafted;
(v) the desirability of retaining for a successor Specification Lead a license to the TCK developed by a prior Specification Lead that does not continue in that role; and
(vi) clearer statement of the purposes, and limitations, for which Confidential Information disclosed per JCP activities could be used.
The Ad Hoc Committee has also been concerned with maximizing consistency in the JSPA across the Java Community, especially with respect to any particular JSR, and the Expert Group will continue to explore ways that might achieve this result. Under JCP 2.0, the Executive Committee is charged with acting as the Expert Group for evolving the JSPA. Thus, the current work of the the Ad Hoc Committee, both with respect to the changes proposed for the Maintenance Release and discussions concerning this Full Release, represents the first instance in which Sun and Members have discussed as a group, rather than in a series of bilateral negotiations, ways in which the JSPA could be improved for the good of the Community. Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. Some member companies not headquartered in the U.S. have suggested that some of the JSPA provisions be reconsidered in light of the international make-up of the Java Community. Not applicable. The Expert Group, and then the Executive Committee, must reach a consensus concerning changes to the JSPA if any substantive changes to the document are to be made. Although it is imposible to predict whether this consensus will emerge, and if so in what time frame, work to date has narrowed the areas most in dispute. The EG proposes to report on its progress to the EC at each regular meeting of the EC either until a proposed draft is ready or until it is determined that a consensus will not be found.
Section 3: Contributions
The Ad Hoc Committee has already done a considerable amount of work, as reflected in the draft "Full" document. The Expert Group, which is expected to consist largely of the Ad Hoc Committee members, intends to build from this base. |