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This JSR has been Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the submitter. Community support was not sufficient to form an expert group.
Original Java Specification Request (JSR)
Identification |
Request |
Original Summary: This proposal intended to make it easier to build applications for reservation booking in the travel industry that will cross all aspects of travel (air, car, hotel, cruise, and other travel activities).
Section 1: Identification
Submitting Participant: IBM
Contact Person: Sherry Shavor
E-Mail: sshavor@us.ibm.com
Telephone: 919-254-1537
Fax: 919-486-0574
List of other Participants who endorse this JSR:
- British Airways
- Business Interactive Corporation
- Galileo International
- International Air Transport Association (IATA)
- Lanyon
- Online Fulfillment Services
- Open Travel Alliance (OTA)
- Xcelerate
Section 2: Request
2.1 Please describe the proposed Specification: |
This request is to develop a set of industry-standard APIs for the
JavaTM platform that will
make it easier to build applications for reservation booking in the travel
industry. This specification will introduce a set of classes and interfaces
for the travel industry reservation booking sector that will be utilized
for access to current CRS (Computer Reservation System) legacy systems,
and for implementing new reservation systems. This specification seeks
to define this initial set of classes and interfaces in concert with emerging
travel industry efforts that are underway to define travel industry XML
DTDs. Ideally, the result of this specification will form the foundation
set of industry agreed upon Java classes and interfaces that fit closely
with these emerging Travel XML efforts from such groups as the Open Travel
Alliance, IATA, etc.
The advantages that these classes will bring is
that it raises the bar in terms of programmer productivity by providing
classes and interfaces that are closer to the solution or problem domain.
2.2 What is the target Java platform?
(i.e., desktop, server, personal, embedded, card, etc.) |
This effort would focus on the desktop Java platform. It must be able
to support business to business (B2B) including (EJB/server) and business
to consumer (B2C) models including (desktop/pervasive devices). |
2.3 What need of the Java community
will be addressed by the proposed specification? |
Increasingly, many companies
in the Travel industry, and software companies servicing the Travel industry,
are using Java for key business solutions. This is especially
true in the Internet Reservation space. Standard interfaces for accessing
current reservation systems through Java will reduce the architecture and
design time for these solutions, and provide a consistent approach to accessing
backend reservation systems over the internet through Java. This will ultimately
result in better and quicker solutions for the end travel internet user. |
2.4 Why isn't this need met by existing
specifications? |
The travel industry
has well defined standards addressing areas involved at the line protocol
area used between terminals and backend reservation systems, and standards
that address system-to-system exchange of data for travel inventory to
support sales of travel industry products, such as airline seat inventory,
etc. Other standards exist as well in other sectors of the travel industry.
However, as the internet reservation market emerges, there are no industry
standards for support of representing that same information through application
code built on a web server using object oriented programming.. Industry
standards in this area, will help encapsulate backend reservation systems
from the web logic perspective, as most backend reservation systems differ
superficially, but provide much of the common base functionality concerning
reservation bookings. |
2.5 Please give a short description
of the underlying technology or technologies: |
[Not applicable] |
2.6 Is there a proposed package name
for the API Specification? (i.e., javapi.something, org.something,
etc.) |
As Java industry standards
into the industry domains begin to emerge, setting package name standards
is a forefront consideration. We suggest that the package names be architected
for consistency, with an open-ended approach that can be extended and defined
by the industry groups over time. We suggest the general package names
for Java standards that specifically address the industry domains follow
a convention of:
where X is a specific industry such as "travel",
"manufacturing", or "medical". Consideration should also be taken into
account for cross-industry packages such as packages containing "people"
objects, etc. For cross-industry packages, we propose:
For the travel industry in specific, we suggest:
And for types and interfaces specifically for
this JSR, we would forecast two possible packages:
2.7 Does the proposed specification
have any dependencies on specific operating systems, CPUs, or I/O devices
that you know of? |
No. |
2.8 Are there any security issues that
cannot be addressed by the current security model? |
No. |
2.9 Are there any internationalization
or localization issues? |
No. |
2.10 Are there any existing specifications
that might be rendered obsolete, deprecated, or in need of revision as
a result of this work? |
No. |
Section 3: Contributions
3.1 Please list any existing
documents, specifications, or implementations that describe the technology.
Please include links to the documents if they are publicly available. |
There are various standards
documents within the Travel industry that address various aspects of travel.
One of the primary standards bodies in the travel industry is:
IATA (International Air Transportation Association) http://www.iata.org
A variety of documents can be purchased from IATA
that describe line communication protocols and information exchange protocols
that will provide a base line of terminology and structure for which a
higher-level OO effort could begin.
Other relevant standards bodies are:
The OTA (OpenTravel Alliance) http://www.disa.org/opentravel.com
Services in the travel industry encompasses air,
car rental, rail, motel, and more. Other relevant links, such as that addressing
motel can be found at: http://www.hedna.org |
3.2 Explanation of how these items
might be used as a starting point for the work. |
This JSR specifically
seeks to address Java classes and interfaces applicable to online, or other
digital channels, reservation bookings. Much of the information flowing
through current standards at the data interchange level, are also applicable
to define the base relations, types, and interfaces for the Java environment. |
Section 4: Additional Information
More specifically, and as an example, the focus of this JSR is to
address types, and interfaces for travel notions such as:
- "TravelVehicle" -> (aircraft, rental car, etc)
- "TravelServiceLocations" ->(airport, rental car dropoff, motel, etc)
- "TravelSegment" ->TravelVehicle movement between TravelServiceLocations
- Notifications of a confirmed, changed or cancelled reservation
- Traveler profile information such as seating or dietary preferences