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JSRs: Java Specification Requests
JSR 361: JavaTM ME Embedded Profile
The following information has been updated from the original proposal.
2014.04.07: 2.18 Please provide a description of the business terms for the Specification, RI and TCK that will apply when this JSR is final.The business and license terms are here: Original Java Specification Request (JSR)
Identification |
Request |
Section 1. Identification Submitting Member: Oracle Name of Contact Person: Roger Riggs E-Mail Address: roger.riggs Telephone Number: +1 781 442 0539 Fax Number: +1 781 442 0395 Specification Lead: Volker Bauche E-Mail Address: volker.bauche Telephone Number: +49 172 818 7214 Fax Number: +49 5523 408096 Initial Expert Group Membership: Oracle Supporting this JSR: Oracle Section 2: Request
2.1 Please describe the proposed Specification:The IMP-NG (JSR-228) specification will be updated to meet current market requirements for embedded devices and to prepare for future Java Platform specifications. The update will require CLDC-8 as the underlying configuration. A central concern is the improvement of the application model and the introduction of several new APIs on an optional package base.
2.2 What is the target Java platform? (i.e., desktop, server, personal, embedded, card, etc.)Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) Connected Limited Device Configuration for mobile devices and small embedded. 2.3 The Executive Committees would like to ensure JSR submitters think about how their proposed technology relates to all of the Java platform editions. Please provide details here for which platform editions are being targeted by this JSR, and how this JSR has considered the relationship with the other platform editions.The MIDP specification is tailored for communication devices like phones and not flexible enough for the broad range of embedded devices in the M2M area. The full Java Platform is too large for many embedded devices. 2.4 Should this JSR be voted on by both Executive Committees?The ME Executive Committee should vote on this request since the resulting specifications are applicable to the Java ME community. 2.5 What need of the Java community will be addressed by the proposed specification?This update of the embedded profile will align with current requirements in the embedded device market and the evolving Java Platform. 2.6 Why isn't this need met by existing specifications?The embedded device market has dramatically evolved since the completion of IMP-NG from being dominated by simple wireless modules towards a heterogeneous landscape of embedded devices with different capabilities, purpose, resources and requirements. This requires a significantly improved application model as well as a variety of additional APIs on an optional package base. 2.7 Please give a short description of the underlying technology or technologies:See 2.1. 2.8 Is there a proposed package name for the API Specification? (i.e., javapi.something, org.something, etc.)The javax.microedition.ams package will be used for the AMS APIs. The use of javax.microedition.midlet, javax.microedition.rms will continue. More subpackages of javax.microedition are likely to be added. 2.9 Does the proposed specification have any dependencies on specific operating systems, CPUs, or I/O devices that you know of?No 2.10 Are there any security issues that cannot be addressed by the current security model?No 2.11 Are there any internationalization or localization issues?None identified at this time. 2.12 Are there any existing specifications that might be rendered obsolete, deprecated, or in need of revision as a result of this work?It is likely that IMP-NG is not needed anymore once the new profile is established. 2.13 Please describe the anticipated schedule for the development of this specification.
2.14 Please describe the anticipated working model for the Expert Group working on developing this specification.The primary means of communication will be email, conference calls, document archive and issue tracker. An initial conference call will be used to establish an effective working model and further meetings will be scheduled as needed. We will solicit feedback from the community. 2.15 Provide detailed answers to the transparency checklist, making sure to include URLs as appropriate:The updated JCP processes defined by JCP 2, version 2.8 will be used to promote transparency and participation. All discussions will be carried out or reported on a public mailing list, and all materials generated by the EG will be published. The Expert Group will publish drafts for review by the community at convenient points during the development of the specification. The community will be encouraged to provide feedback through a public alias, and formal comments will be logged and publicly responded to. See this JSR's java.net project for details. 2.16 Please describe how the RI and TCK will de delivered, i.e. as part of a profile or platform edition, or stand-alone, or both. Include version information for the profile or platform in your answer.Standalone RI and TCK will be available. 2.17 Please state the rationale if previous versions are available stand-alone and you are now proposing in 2.13 to only deliver RI and TCK as part of a profile or platform edition (See sections 1.1.5 and 1.1.6 of the JCP 2 document).Standalone RI and TCK will be available. 2.18 Please provide a description of the business terms for the Specification, RI and TCK that will apply when this JSR is final.
Note that this information has been updated from this original proposal.
The business and license terms are here:
2.19 Please describe the communications channel you have established for the public to observe Expert Group deliberations, provide feedback, and view archives of all Expert Group communications.See this JSR's java.net project for details of the email lists and discussions groups. 2.20 What is the URL of the Issue Tracker that the public can read, and how does the public log issues in the Issue Tracker?
Updated on 13 November 2012: http:// javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/MESPEC/component/10750 (requires free JIRA account) 2.21 Please provide the location of the publicly accessible document archive you have created for the Expert Group.See this JSR's java.net project for details of the document archive. Section 3: Contributions
3.1 Please list any existing documents, specifications, or implementations that describe the technology. Please include links to the documents if they are publicly available.3.2 Explanation of how these items might be used as a starting point for the work.The IMP-NG Specification will be used as a starting point. |