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JSRs: Java Specification Requests
JSR 380: Bean Validation 2.0

Open Nominations

Nomination Type Full Name Biography Spec Lead Comments Submission date Spec Lead Vote PMO Vote

Approved Nominations

Nomination Type Full Name Biography Spec Lead Comments Submission date Spec Lead Vote PMO Vote
Expert Group Otavio Santana A developer how loves what he does: JUG Leader, Java Champion, Expert in several specifications, JCP executive member, JCP Oustanding Award, Duke's Choice Award, Apache Commiter and speaker in conferences in whole world. Sep 4, 2016 Y Y
Expert Group Christian Kaltepoth My name is Christian Kaltepoth. I'm senior developer at ingenit in Dortmund, Germany. I've been working with Java EE since J2EE 1.4 and strongly believe that community participation is a key concept to improve the platform. I've been using Bean Validation since the first release especially in the context of JPA and web services (both JAX-RS and JAX-WS). I'm active member of JSR 371 (MVC 1.0) and worked a lot on the Bean Validation integration both on the spec side and for implementing the required parts in the MVC 1.0 reference implementation Ozark. A few days ago I was was nominated for the "JCP Member/Participant of the year" award. I would love to get the opportunity to help moving the spec forward. Both in regard to compatibility with other specs (especially MVC / JAX-RS) and to improve the core API. Aug 22, 2016 Y Y
Expert Group Marco Molteni Marco Molteni: Java consultant since 2001. I've worked in many European countries with consulting companies, software providers, banks and local governments. I had the roles of developer, technical lead and project manager. I've used the implementations of JSR 349 in banking/government projects (web services). Aug 16, 2016 Y Y
Expert Group Werner Keil I'm Spec Lead of JSR 363 and actively involved in several other JSRs, including the final 1.0 of JavaMoney (JSR 354) Members of the community combined BV 1 especially with JSR 354 and could also be interested to get involved, at least as Contributors. I also help many large Java EE projects, many of them apply Bean Validation. Aug 10, 2016 Y Y
Expert Group Hendrik Ebbers Bio: Hendrik Ebbers is Java developer at Canoo Engineering AG and lives in Dortmund, Germany. His main focus besides research and development is primarily in the areas of UI technologies and Middleware. Additionally, Hendrik Ebbers is founder and leader of the Java User Group Dortmund and gives talks and presentations in User Groups and Conferences. He's blogging about UI related topics at (or on Twitter @hendrikEbbers) and contributes to some Open Source Projects: DataFX, DolphinPlatform and Vagrant-Binding. Hendriks JavaFX book "Mastering JavaFX 8 Controls" was released 2014 by Oracle press. Hendrik is JavaOne Rockstar, JSR expert group member and Java Champion. JSR: I used Java Bean Validation in several projects. Some of the projects are JavaEE related but I used it in Swing and JavaFX clients, too. I created some small OS libs that provide validation support for new data types like JavaFX properties. See: Aug 9, 2016 Y Y
Expert Group Michael Nascimento Santos I have more than 17 years of experience with the Java platform. I am a Java Champion, an OpenJDK committer, part of SouJava's board, NetBeans Dream Team member, a JavaOne Rock Star Speaker Award and have participated in seven JSRs, including Date & Time (JSR 310), Bean Validation (JSR 303/349) and Java SE 6 (JSR 270). Jul 26, 2016 Y Y
Expert Group Emmanuel Bernard I am the spec lead of Bean Validation 1.0 and 1.1. Jul 26, 2016 Y Y
Expert Group Tsuyoshi Yoshitomi Hi. I'm a java engineer. I'm a member of the Java EE team at Fujtisu from 2010. Jul 26, 2016 Y Y
Expert Group Linda Demichiel Long-term spec lead -- Java EE Platform, JPA, EJB. Represented Sun, Oracle on other expert groups (e.g., CDI). Jul 20, 2016 Y Y
Contributor Matt Benson Works on a spec implementation Has participated in BV spec development While not on the EG, Matt has provided valuable feedback and participated in our discussions multiple times, so listing him as a Contributor is well deserved. Aug 8, 2017 Y Y

Processed Nominations

Nomination Type Full Name Biography Spec Lead Comments Submission date Spec Lead Vote PMO Vote
Expert Group Hillmer Chona I am System Engineer, Medellin JUG Leader and software architect focusing on Enterprise Java, I have been working with Java from 1999. Currently, I work for a University in the IT Department as Systems Information Director Apr 10, 2017 - XM
Expert Group Thorben Janssen Thorben Janssen is an independent trainer and author with more than 15 years of experience as a developer and software architect in Java and Java EE projects. He is also a member of the CDI 2.0 expert group (JSR 365) and writes about Java EE related topics on his blog Jul 26, 2016 Y XA
Contributor Hillmer Chona System Engineer, JUG Leader and software architect focusing on Enterprise Java. I have been working with Java for more than 15 years Jun 8, 2017 - Y
Contributor Elder Moraes I am a software developer passionate about Java EE Development and Systems Architecture. Experienced in projects in many areas, from financial and legal to human resources and logistics. Speaker in events like JavaOne and The Developers Conference, focusing on how developers can improve their projects with better understanding of architecture challenges. The nominee retracted their nomination due to lack of time; hence I'm going to reject this one so it's processed. Dec 6, 2016 N Y
Contributor Daniel Dias dos Santos Technologist in Analysis and Development of System and Post Graduate in Java Development from Estácio de Sá University. A dedicated programmer and student. I like all kinds of technology and am always looking, reading and trying new and different technologies, languages and the like. Always practicing to improve my knowledge. Member of SouJava and RioJUG. I have experience and knowledge with the following languages Java programming (Hibernate ORM and OGM, JPA, Spring MVC, Struts 1), PLSQL. In relation to database, experience and knowledge both in Relational databases such as: Oracle, MySQL, when in banks Non-relational (NoSQL) as MongoDB - database oriented Documents. With regard to front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Mobile development with android and knowledge in UML. Nov 20, 2016 - Y
Contributor Anders Persson I have been working with software development for 22 years out of which Java for at least 15 years since Java 1.0.6 was released. The reason I want to contribute to this specification is that we have just completed a project where we used Java Validation 1.x and found two rather big shortcomings that we would like to see addressed in the 2.0 release. Nov 9, 2016 - Y
    Spec Lead Vote Legend:
    -Not yet reviewed/pending - The Spec Lead has not processed this nomination
    PProcessing - The Spec Lead has seen the nomination and needs more time to arrive at a decision
    NNo - The Spec Lead has decided that this nominee should not be on the JSR
    YYes - The Spec Lead wants the nominee on the JSR

    PMO Vote Legend:
    -The PMO has not yet voted on this nomination
    PProcessing - The nominee can not yet participate on this JSR, but the legal agreements are being processed
    IIncomplete, Illegible, or Inaccurate nomination
    XAMissing required agreement to participate on this JSR - Addendum (ECA) Required
    XMMissing required agreement to participate on any JSR - Not a JCP Member
    XNot able to be on a JSR - The PMO has determined that this person cannot be on this JSR
    YYes - The PMO views this as a valid nomination with a current Membership in place