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JSRs: Java Specification Requests
JSR 343: JavaTM Message Service 2.0

Open Nominations

Nomination Type Full Name Biography Spec Lead Comments Submission date Spec Lead Vote PMO Vote

Approved Nominations

Nomination Type Full Name Biography Spec Lead Comments Submission date Spec Lead Vote PMO Vote
Expert Group Pravesh Pandya My name is Pravesh Pandya and I work for Pramati Technologies Pvt Ltd. I would like to nominate myself as Emran Sharif - the current expert group member representing Pramati is moving out. I am a Java developer for the past 7 years and I have worked on both client and server side software based on Java. Jun 29, 2012 Y Y

Processed Nominations

Nomination Type Full Name Biography Spec Lead Comments Submission date Spec Lead Vote PMO Vote
Expert Group Eric Bruno I'm a developer and software architect who has worked with messaging software for almost two decades. I began working with Tibco Rendezvous at Reuters after they acquired them as Teknekron in the mid 1990s, and have since built and launched my own messaging software products. I've also built and launched multiple mission-critical distributed software systems that use JMS at companies such as Reuters, Wolters Kluwer, and Credit Suisse. Aug 29, 2012 Y XM
    Spec Lead Vote Legend:
    -Not yet reviewed/pending - The Spec Lead has not processed this nomination
    PProcessing - The Spec Lead has seen the nomination and needs more time to arrive at a decision
    NNo - The Spec Lead has decided that this nominee should not be on the JSR
    YYes - The Spec Lead wants the nominee on the JSR

    PMO Vote Legend:
    -The PMO has not yet voted on this nomination
    PProcessing - The nominee can not yet participate on this JSR, but the legal agreements are being processed
    IIncomplete, Illegible, or Inaccurate nomination
    XAMissing required agreement to participate on this JSR - Addendum (ECA) Required
    XMMissing required agreement to participate on any JSR - Not a JCP Member
    XNot able to be on a JSR - The PMO has determined that this person cannot be on this JSR
    YYes - The PMO views this as a valid nomination with a current Membership in place