The materials on this page are provided by the Spec Lead of this JSR
for evaluation and feedback.
These materials are not final, and are subject to change
as the JSR progresses through the process.
Adopt-a-JSR Tasks
Maven archetypes for JSF 2.2 project
We have an existing Maven archetype but we would rather someone from the community take it over and maintain it. Here is the invocation string for the 2.2 archetype:
There are currently over 400 unresolved issues in the JIRA of record <>. Surely some of them have been fixed already or are duplicates. Adding comments to the issues advising the administrators to take recommended actions would be very helpful.
Advocate that community driven features are driven by the community
During the JavaOne 2014 JSF BOF, we indicated that there were two drivers of features in JSF 2.3: Oracle and the community. Oracle is interested in driving features relating to platform integration, quality, and performance. The community stated interest in expanding the capabilities of JSF as suggested by EG member Ian Hlavats. These are great ideas, but perhaps if there was more pressure from the non-EG member community, we would see some progress on them in the EG.
Update the RealWorldJsfLinks wiki page with real world sites that use JSF
Such links are really important when trying to demonstrate the value of JSF to potential adopters.
serialVersionUID cleanup
We have inconsistently applied
the serialVersionUID
class variable to spec and impl of JSF in Mojarra. The community could
really help by filing JIRAs and submitting patches against them. This
is pretty much busywork, but is very necessary. This work could proceed
in several phases:
Identify which classes need to be touched. Technically
only those classes that will be serialized need have a
serialVersionUID. With JSF, this is actually a lot of classes
because of the statefulness of JSF and the support for
File JIRAs for the work. I suggest the JIRAs be filed
per Java package. The Mojarra JIRA < > must be used here, even though there is a spec impact. Once the task gets rolling, the spec leads will file an appropriate spec JIRA. Here is the list of Java classes in the
spec and Mojarra impl.