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Community Summary
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JSR #326 Post mortem JVM Diagnostics API
Community Summary The materials on this page are provided by the Spec Lead of this JSR for evaluation and feedback. These materials are not final, and are subject to change as the JSR progresses through the process. The observer alias for this JSR is not monitored. Communication and participation in the development of the JSR and the associated Reference Implementation and TCK is carried out in the Apache Software Foundation "Kato" incubator project. See here Communications concerning the JSR specifically can be addressed to the Specification Mailing List
* The public can read the names of the people on the Expert Group. - * The Expert Group business is regularly reported on a publicly readable alias. - All communications are public and are available here * The schedule for the JSR is publicly available, it's current, and I update it regularly. - * The public can read/write to a wiki for my JSR. - * I read and respond to posts on the discussion board for my JSR on (not used all business is via ASF mailing lists) * There is an issue-tracker for my JSR that the public can read. - * I have spoken at conferences and events about my JSR recently. - JavaOne 2009 BOF-4870 was latest * I am using open-source processes for the development of the RI and/or TCK. - Development as an Apache Software Foundation incubator * The Update tab for my JSR has links to and information about all public communication mechanisms and sites for the development of my JSR. - YES