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Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Total attendance: 10 |
Total attendance: 15 |
Since 75% of the ME EC was not present, that EC was inquorate for
this meeting Since 75% of the SE/EE EC was present, that EC was quorate for this meeting |
Patrick reported the results of the 2009 EC elections (see the PMO presentation for details) He reported that Jacob Feldman had resigned his seat on the ME Executive Committee, necessitating a special election. Members agreed on the schedule proposed by the PMO:
Patrick congratulated the new members (Tim Peierls, Gero Schultz from T-Mobile, Roger Mahler from AT&T, and Dr Hoojong Kim and Dave Kim from SK Telecom) on their election.and asked them to introduce themselves:
Tim Peierls has been a Java developer since the late 1990s. He has served on three Expert Groups (JSR 166, JSR 201, and JSR 330.) He said that his was encouraged by his experience on these EGs to run for the EC seat. He suggested that his experience as an open-source developer might not be typical for the JCP. Patrick pointed out that the organization is increasingly adopting open-source development and licensing models, and encouraged Tim to share his experience. Doug Lea pointed out Tim's "other talents", as the developer of ticketing software, as a producer of plays and musicals, and as a musician.
Gero Schultz represents T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom), and has been active in the JCP since 2002, serving on several Expert Groups including MSA and MIDP3. Patrick congratulated him on the recent finalization of MIDP3.
Roger Mahler represents AT&T. He has been involved in the JCP for 8 years, serving on 11 Expert Groups and acting as the Spec Lead for JSR 320. He works in AT&T's stragegic planning group, and has been a Java EE developer for 14 years and a Java ME developer for 9 years. Patrick commented that Roger's technical expertise would be a welcome addition to the EC.
Dr Hoojong Kim and Dave Kim represent SK Telecom. Dr Hoojong Kim is a senior VP at SK Telecom, representing the company on a Korean standards organization. Within the JCP he is a member of the JSR 299 Expert Group. He and Dave Kim expressed their hope that they could be useful contributors to the JCP. Patrick welcomed them to the organization.
The ECs approved the following minutes of previous meetings
During the discussion Patrick explained for the benefit of the new members that by default the procedings of the EC are public, but that occasionaly the EC goes into private session (resulting in the private minutes.) Tim Peierls asked what was the process for going into private session. Patrick explained that usually it was sufficient for a member to request it. Generally it was agreed by consensus, but if necessary it could be put to a vote.
Patrick reported the following personnel changes:
Patrick delivered the EC stats presentation. He thanked the PMO for their hard work in processing the large number of recent ballots.
Patrick reviewed the annual 2009 participation statistics and also drew members' attention to the visual representation of EC meeting attendance. He reminded EC members of their responsibilities to attend all meetings and to vote in all ballots, and suggested that when the Process Document is next revised the ECs should consider changes to encourage more participation.
Sean Sheedy provided a status update on the activities of the ME Working Group. See the group's Wiki page for details.
Members continued a discussion that had started in email, about the role of the ME Working Group, and about whether it would be appropriate for non-EC members to attend.
Patrick reminded the ECs that the Working Group had no decision-making power, but that it was simply an advisory body that would make recommendations to the ECs. He pointed out that the latest revision of the JCP's Process Document included some changes specifically intended to encourage ECs to engage in the kind of activities that the Working Group was taking on.
He suggested that Brian Deuser, who had been an active member of the Working Group when he represented Motorola on the ME EC, could continue to provide useful input to the Working Group as an "honorary member."
During the discussion that followed EC members recognized the value that experienced "outsiders" could bring to the Working Group, but were uneasy at the prospect of granting non-EC members full and permanent membership of the Working Group. A compromise was suggested whereby the Working Group could invite outside experts to attend Working Group meetings in order to work on particular topics in which they had expertise, for a limited time (until the relevant tasks were completed or the topics were no longer considered relevant.) EC members agreed to this suggestion so long as such invited members were not granted voting privileges. Patrick reminded the EC that the Working Group had no executive power and therefore was unlikely to need to vote on anything, but agreed that if votes were taken, only EC members would be permitted to participate. EC members also agreed that from time to time the Working Group might hold special meetings to which they would invite other "outsiders" such as they had done the previous week when they heard from Terrence Barr and C.Enrique Ortiz.
Members continued another discussion that had started in email, about whether to postpone the planned January face-to-face meeting until after the close of the Oracle acquisition of Sun. After much discussion they agreed to proceed as planned, and to meet in January, on the grounds that the schedule was too uncertain to justify any change. Patrick made some suggestions for the agenda, and asked members to provide further input by email.
This discussion was postponed to a future meeting due to lack of time.