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The Java Community Process(SM) Program -- May 2002 Newsletter

Java Community ProcessSM — May 2002 Newsletter

JCP PMO News Bulletin
May 2002

Hello JCP Members,
Here is your May edition of the PMO News Bulletin.

This Bulletin is sent to JCP Members, Spec Leads and Experts and is
scheduled to be a monthly insert in your email inbox.
Read on for all the details!

** Recent News **

Find out about more about the latest happenings in the JCP program, by
visiting  the "What's New" area of the JCP web site:

Some highlights include:

-JCP Program Chair responds to Apache Software Foundation:

-JCP wins JavaPro award for "Outstanding Contribution to Java Technology by a 

-HP/Compaq merger:
With the merger now officially closed, Compaq has resigned its SE/EE EC 
seat in compliance with the JCP 2 rules. Compaq's seat will be vacant 
until the elections in October/November.

** New feature on **
It is now possible to upload and share files within your expert groups via
the JSR private pages on

For spec leads: When logging on to your page, via, below the Expert Group contact table
you'll see "File Archive". Clicking on the link next to it will allow
you to select and upload files for your expert group members to see.

At the moment we have set a maximum of 50 MB space per JSR. You can
upload any kind of file, for example meeting notes, draft specs and
other working documents.

 ** Spec Lead Survey **
We have engaged our market research company to conduct a series of interviews.  
The purpose of this project is to develop an improved understanding of how the 
JCP can best support the efforts of spec leads and their sponsoring companies 
with licensing of their final Java specifications. 

You may be called to participate in a session, which should take about 20 
minutes.  We are offering an honorarium in compensation for your time, and would 
very much appreciate your input to this important process.

 ** Noteworthy JSRs **
This section of the News Bulltin calls out JSRs that have news to share
with the Java Community. If your JSR has something newsworthy to report
then send an alert ("Hey PMO!") to

- JSR 144
Congratulations to the Spec Lead and Expert Group for going from 
submission to final in record time: August 2001 - April 2002.

When submitting a proposal for a new JSR please use the JSR Proposal
template found at:

** Contact information **
Here is how to contact the Program Office:

            - To submit proposals for new JSRs.

            - To send in your draft and/or final specification
              documents and related materials.
              (as HTML or Zip file, please.
              Other formats are harder for us to open).
            -In case you misplaced your Member password...

            - To reach the PMO.

See Also
Community Process Main Page