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Change Log for JSR-000322 Java EE Connector Architecture 1.6
Change Log for JSR-000322 JavaTM EE Connector Architecture 1.6
This page details the proposed, accepted and deferred changes to JSR 322, documenting the changes that will go into the next revision, per Section 4.2 of the JCP 2.7 document.
Last updated: 30 May 2013
Proposed changes for Java EE Connector Architecture 1.7
- Added application component environment namespace availability requirements during calls to a ResourceAdapter JavaBean's endpointActivation and endpointDeactivation in Section 13.4.4, “Application Server”
- Added requirements in Section 13.3, “Message Inflow Model” for the MessageEndpointFactory
to provide a name for the message endpoint deployment it represents,
and to provide the message endpoint class to a resource
adapter. Added the following new methods to the MessageEndpointFactory interface
- String getActivationName();
- Class<?> getEndpointClass();
- Added
a new section, Section 18.9, “Resource Definition Annotations”,
to discuss requirements around connection factory and administered
object resource definition annotations. Added the following annotations:
- javax.resource.ConnectionFactoryDefinition
- javax.resource.ConnectionFactoryDefinitions
- javax.resource.AdministeredObjectDefinition
- javax.resource.AdministeredObjectDefinitions
- Errata: Removed the paragraph that made it optional for an @Activation annotated JavaBean to implement the ActivationSpec interface (See Section 18.7 “@Activation”)
- Removed
Appendix B “Activation Configuration for Message Inflow to JMS
Endpoints”. Chapter 12 of the Java Message Service Specification,
version 2.0 defines the standard configuration elements for JMS
resource adapters
- Clarified the dependency injection
behavior when JavaBeans that are managed by the application server are
used as CDI Managed Beans in Section 21.5, “Dependency Injection"
- Updated
Section 20.7, “Resource Adapter XML Schema Definition” to reflect the
new 1.7 resource adapter deployment descriptor and added a new Section
A.3, “Java EE Connector Architecture 1.6 Resource Adapter XML XSD” to
house the 1.6 resource adapter deployment descriptor.
- General:
Fixed sun.com and legacy URLs and references to point to the latest
specification and technology pages, Updated Appendix E to reflect the
latest technology versions in the Java EE 7 Platform.