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Change Log for JSR-000220 Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0

Change Log for JSR-000220 Enterprise JavaBeansTM 3.0

This page details the proposed, accepted and deferred changes to JSR 220, documenting the changes that will go into the next revision, per Section 4.2 of the JCP 2.6 document.

Last updated: 31 January 2008

The following changes were approved by Maintenance Review 1, which closed on 17 December 2007:

Section  14.3.10  Exceptions from the Management of Container-Managed Transactions

The first sentence of the third paragraph :

"However, the container should not throw the javax.ejb.EJBException or java.rmi.RemoteException
 or if the container performs a transaction rollback because the instance has invoked the
 setRollbackOnly method on its EJBContext object."

has been changed to :

"However, the container should not throw the javax.ejb.EJBException or java.rmi.RemoteException
 if the container performs a transaction rollback because the transaction has been marked for
 rollback and no EJBException or RemoteException would otherwise be thrown according to sections
 14.3.1 through 14.3.9. "

Section 12.8.1  Specification of Interceptors

The second sentence of this section :

"The interceptor methods are specified by using the around-invoke, pre-construct, post-destroy,
 pre-passivate, and post-activate elements."

has been changed to :

"The interceptor methods are specified by using the around-invoke, post-construct, pre-destroy,
 pre-passivate, and post-activate elements."