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JSR-184 Change Log

JSR-184 Maintenance Release Change Log (25 Feb 2005)

# Issue Description Change Status
Group.pick(Camera) documentation
The second part of the statement "The given Camera and this Group must be in the same scene graph, that is, they must have at least one common ancestor." is in error.

If "this" Group is a World, then the given Camera must be its descendant. Clearly, the World and the Camera are now in the same scene graph, although there is no common ancestor.
Remove the erroneous part of the statement. The first part alone is sufficient.
Background image & null crop rectangle
What happens if the Background has an Image2D set, but the crop rectangle has zero width or height: how do we clear the color buffer?
Explicitly specify that clearing should be done with the background color only in that special case.
KeyframeSequence tangent equations
There is an error in our specification of spline and squad interpolation: the F+ and F- scaling factors for the outgoing and incoming tangent, respectively, have swapped places. This error is inherited from the original paper by Kochanek and Bartels.
Swap the F+ and F- scaling factors.
Wrong variable name in Transform.transform
The @throws clauses in Transform.transform(vectors) refer to an input variable called "points", although the variable is called "vectors". Change the name in the @throws clauses to "vectors".
array.length statements in @throws clauses
There is a minor error in the @throws clauses of, e.g., Object3D.getReferences. The input array is allowed to be null, yet the @throws clause specifies that the array must be certain length. Obviously, trying to check the length of a null array will result in a NullPointerException.
Explicitly rule out null arrays when checking for array length: "if (array != null) && (array.length < 3)".

This affects one or more methods in Object3D, VertexBuffer, and all Mesh classes.
Dynamic range specification
The valid input range is currently specified to be [2-64, 263]. Behavior for values outside of that range is left undefined. However, behavior should not really be undefined for negative values, or values in [0, 2-64]. Also, the lower bound 2-64 should be relaxed to 2-63 to make the required range symmetric. Allow undefined behavior only for absolute values larger than 263. Allow values less than 2-63 to be flushed to zero. PROPOSED
Arithmetic operations on zero and one
The special roles of zero and one are not emphasized in the dynamic range and accuracy requirements.
Specify that every implementation must guarantee 0*x=0, 1*x=x,  0+x=x, and 00=1.
removeChild vs. removeAnimationTrack
The removeChild method explicitly allows null to be passed in, removeAnimationTrack does not. Why is that, and why not make them behave the same way?
Explicitly allow null in both methods. This is more in line with the general principle that requests to remove something that does not exist should be ignored. It is also backwards compatible. See also issue #11.
Unnecessary exception in Graphics3D.releaseTarget
Graphics3D.releaseTarget currently throws an exception if a rendering target is not bound. This seems unnecessary. It also complicates the usual rendering loop, because an extra try-catch block is needed for releaseTarget. This is also why the code example at the beginning of Graphics3D does not work (if bindTarget fails, releaseTarget will also fail, so you can't put releaseTarget in "finally")..
Remove the exception. Requests to remove or release something that does not exist are already ignored  elsewhere in the API (removeAnimationTrack, removeChild), rather than treated as errors. See also issue #10.
Rendering quality hint combinations in Graphics3D
It is currently unspecified whether an implementation supporting more than one of ANTIALIAS, DITHER and TRUE_COLOR needs to support their combinations also. The developer has no way of knowing which combinations are supported, other than testing them one-by-one on each target device. Furthermore, if more than one hint is given, and no combinations are supported, which hint should take precedence?

Make it explicit that combinations of hints do not need to be supported.

Also make the hint priorities explicitly unspecified.

See also issue #19.

Autonormalization of vertex normals
There is no statement in the spec about normalization of vertex normals. Should they be normalized automatically, and at which point?
Yes; explicitly specify that normals are normalized before they are used in lighting. The original values in VertexArray must be preserved, in case they are later read back or used in some other role.
VertexBuffer.setNormals documentation
The statement in VertexBuffer.setNormals about the mapping of byte and short values to [-1, +1] is misleading: the values 127 and 128 only apply for bytes. Remove the offending values.
Fog.set{Density, Linear} documentation
The specification says that the methods have "no effect unless the type of the Fog is (or is later set to)" the appropriate type. That is incorrect: rendering is unaffected, but the set values can be read back at any time using the respective getters.
Change the "no effect" part to "no effect on rendering".
Accessing bound rendering targets
Graphics3D documentation contradicts itself. It first states that accessing a bound rendering target via any other interface than the host Graphics3D will result in unpredictable behavior. Later it states that modifying the origin or clipping rectangle of a bound Graphics has no effect.
The second statement is incorrect, and should also read "...will result in unpredictable behavior."
Can Object3D.getReferences return null?
Does one have to check for null references in the array returned by getReferences? Presumably yes, but should that be changed so that nulls may not be returned?
Do not allow returning nulls in getReferences.
Default projection matrix in Camera
The documentation of Camera does not explicitly state the initial state of the projection matrix. It does say that the view volume has its opposite corners at (-1 -1 -1) and (1 1 1) but it does not state which one is the "near" corner and which one is "far". The intention is, of course, that the projection matrix is initially set to identity. Specify in the constructor that the projection matrix is initially set to identity, and that the projection type is GENERIC. PROPOSED
Different target surfaces, only one getProperties
A Graphics3D object can be bound to different things, e.g. a 565 surface or an 888 image. The underlying rasterizer may have different capabilities depending on the target surface. For instance, some quality hints may be supported for  888 but not for 565. However, getProperties always returns the same set of values, regardless of the currently bound target.

In practice, this means that all underlying rendering contexts must have the exact same functionality, or that getProperties must return the lowest common denominator.
Require getProperties to return the highest common denominator instead of the lowest.

In other words, the implementation must indicate support for a capability,  if that capability is supported for at least one type of target surface.

Also change the TCK so that it no longer requires all-or-nothing support for quality hints.

See also issue #12.
PNG support in Loader
The behavior of Loader for stand-alone PNG files is currently not well defined. The specification says only that an Image2D object is returned, but it doesn't tell whether it is immutable or mutable, or what pixel format it will have.

The correspondence of PNG pixel formats to Image2D formats should be made explicit. Also, if the intention is not to require full PNG support, we should specify which features need not be implemented.

The file format spec says that 48-bit pixel formats in PNG need not be supported. This limitation is not justified, because MIDP already does require them to be supported.
Explicitly specify that all PNG color types and bit depths must be supported, including palettes, tRNS chunks, alpha channels, and 48-bit colors.

An Image2D created via loading a PNG file with Loader.load must have the same format as the PNG file (that is, L, LA, RGB, or RGBA).

A color-keyed PNG file must be mapped to LA or RGBA, depending on whether the PNG is in L or RGB format, respectively.

The resulting Image2D must always be immutable.
Elementary arithmetic operations unspecified
The dynamic range and accuracy requirements for elementary arithmetic operations are specified in the package description, but it is not stated anywhere which operations are to be considered elementary. Specifically, is division an elementary operation?
Specify that the elementary operations include addition, subtraction, and multiplication.

Also define the requirements for converting values from IEEE float to the internal format in more detail.

Do not define requirements for division, reciprocal, square root, sine, and similar operations at this stage.
Target surface larger than max viewport size
JSR-184, unlike OpenGL, allows the binding of rendering targets larger than the maximum viewport dimensions. This makes supporting the large rendering targets impossible in an implementation built on top of OpenGL ES.
Make bindTarget throw an IllegalArgumentException if the target is larger than the maximum viewport size.
Pixel format conversion from RGBA to ALPHA
In the Image2D constructor that takes in a MIDP Image, what should be done if the source Image is in RGBA format and the specified destination format is ALPHA?
The expected behavior is that the RGB components are discarded and the Alpha values are copied in as such. Make this behavior explicit in the section "Pixel format conversion" in package description.
Bone transform changed between addTransforms
SkinnedMesh.addTransform may be called multiple times for the same bone, because bones are often associated with disjoint vertex ranges. What happens if a bone's transformation is changed between subsequent addTransforms targeting that bone? Which transformation should be adopted as the "at rest" bone transformation?
Specify that bone transformations should not be changed between addTransforms, but if they are, the results for the affected vertices are undefined.
Out of bounds offsets in Loader.load using byte[]
The method Loader.load(byte[] data, int offset) specifies no exceptions for the cases where offset lies outside of the array bounds (i.e. offset < 0 or offset >= data.length). Most implementations probably throw an exception nonetheless.
@throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if offset < 0 or offset >= data.length
 OpenGL rendering model and rasterization rules
Although there has been a tacit assumption that the M3G rendering model is the same as OpenGL's, that has not been put into writing. In particular, the spec does not explicitly say that we follow OpenGL's polygon rasterization rules (chapter 3.5.1).
Add a section called "Rasterization" under "General implementation requirements" in the package description.

Explicitly state something to the effect of 
"unless specified otherwise, vertices, primitives and fragments are processed as in OpenGL" and "rasterization must obey section 3.5.1 of the OpenGL specification"

Also move the reference pipeline diagrams from Graphics3D to package description.
Unspecified file name case sensitivity in Loader
The Sony Ericsson K700 ignores case in M3G file names, whereas the RI and all Nokia phones are case-sensitive. For instance, if the JAR contains "test.m3g", then trying to load "test.M3G" will work on the K700 but fail on a Nokia phone.
Require that file names be treated case sensitive by the Loader.
Negative keyframe time stamps
There's a contradiction between the file format spec and the main spec. The file format spec uses the data type Int32 (as opposed to UInt32) for keyframe time stamps, whereas the method setKeyframe of KeyframeSequence specifically disallows negative values of time.
Change the data type in the file format spec to UInt32.

Allowing negative time stamps in the API would require carefully specified changes to how looping is handled, for no real added value.
Unnecessary error checking in VertexBuffer
VertexBuffer requires normal vectors to be set for all lit meshes (i.e. meshes that have an associated Material). This error condition has little value to the developer, because there are so many other things that can cause an IllegalStateException while rendering. Seeing the erroneously shaded meshes on the screen would probably be more useful.

Also, normal vectors are not even needed if only ambient light is applied to the mesh. The current spec requires the normals to be present even then.

Similarly, VertexBuffer requires that texture coordinates be set for all enabled texturing units. This does not seem to add any value over leaving the values undefined, rather the opposite.
Relax the error conditions: If the normal vector array is null, the normals are undefined. If a texture coordinate array is null, the coordinates are undefined.
Deferred exceptions are implementation dependent
The spec is ambiguous about error checking while rendering and picking. Currently, objects that are not rendered (or checked for intersection) are not required to be in valid state.

This makes exception behavior implementation dependent. For example, some implementations may validate objects that are outside of the view frustum while others don't.
1) Objects that are out of scope or disabled must not be validated when rendering or picking. Define submeshes with null appearances to be disabled. Also define all objects to be disabled when rendering from a camera that has zero view volume.

2) Objects that are not rendered or picked, even though they are enabled and within scope, may be validated.

3) Any data within on object that is actually needed for rendering or picking must be validated.
Relative paths in Loader

If a relative path is passed into Class.getResourceAsStream (as used in Loader.load), the name of the class on which it is called is used as the basis to which the relative path is added.

When a relative path is passed to Loader.load, the class on which getResourceAsStream is actually called is undefined, and is likely to be an implementation-defined helper class. Therefore, using relative paths may result in undefined behavior across platforms.

Explicitly state that the results are undefined if you pass a relative path to a resource as input to Loader.load. PROPOSED
Variable length byte arrays in the file format
The compound datatype "Byte[]" contains the length of the array in the beginning. However, the Section and Object headers have an extra field for the length of the array. This is redundant and confusing. In practice, exporters are not writing the length in the beginning of the array, and implementations are not expecting to find it.
Change the Byte[] in the Section documentation to a fixed-length array:

Byte[TotalSectionLength-13] Objects

Similarly for the Object documentation:

Byte[Length] Data
Handling of alpha in Image2D constructor
Assuming the proposed solution for  issue #23, the implementations must be able to distinguish MIDP Images that are in RGB format from those that are in RGBA, because their conversion rules to ALPHA are different.

This is problematic, because not all implementations of MIDP make that distinction; they can store all images as RGBA, setting the alpha to 1.0 for all pixels in an RGB image. It is thus impossible for the M3G implementation to conclude which conversion rule to use.
Implementations on MIDP 1.0 and 2.0 must treat all mutable Images as RGB and all immutable Images as RGBA.

If the windowing system does make a distinction between image formats, and also provides a public method to find out that format, then the implementation must respect the original format. Such windowing systems include at least AWT and maybe a future version of MIDP.
Documentation bug in Camera.setProjection
The letters w and h are said to denote the width and height of the view frustum, although in the matrix they actually represent only half of the width and height, respectively.
Simply remove the statement. The mathematical definitions of w and h are clear enough.
Sprite alpha factor
The alpha factor currently does not apply to sprites. Developers are generally not pleased about that. Alpha factor was ignored to keep sprites as simple as possible, but that decision seems unfounded, considering that all the different blending modes are already supported.
Define that the alpha factor also affects sprites, such that the alpha channel of the sprite image is multiplied with the effective alpha factor.

For picking, however, the alpha values should be used as-is. This is in line with Mesh, where the alpha factor has no effect on picking hit/miss status.
Correct slerping
It appears that some implementations of SLERP interpolation are checking for angles greater than 90 degrees between successive quaternion keyframes, and negating one of them  if so.

This is not allowed in the spec, because it breaks down animation blending.
The spec is correct as it is, and the formula given for slerping is clear.

However, we should emphasize that there are no provisions for "adjusting" the quaternions by flipping their signs, because this is such a common mistake.
References to Objects
The package description states that all Object3Ds are held by reference unless stated otherwise. It does not say anything about other Objects, such as arrays. The assumption is that they are copied in by default, but this is not stated anywhere.
Objects other than Object3Ds are copied in by default. In particular, arrays are always copied in. Emphasize this in the package description.

The User Object in Object3D is, however, held by reference. This is already stated, but should be made more explicit.
Camera and Light transformations after render(World)
The transformations of the current Camera and Lights are currently unspecified after rendering a World.
The expected behavior is that the Lights and the Camera are transformed to world space. Make that behavior mandatory.
Alignment references in the file format
Alignments may introduce cyclic references in the scene graph. However, cycles are not allowed in the file format. This contradiction is not discussed in the file format spec.
Explain in the file format spec that there is a workaround that involves adding dummy child nodes.
Maximum viewport width and height
Many implementations could potentially support different maxima for viewport width and height, but the setViewport and getProperties methods in Graphics3D force the larger dimension to be clamped to the smaller dimension.
Change setViewport exception behavior so that width and height are checked separately.

Add new entries in the getProperties table: maxViewportWidth and maxViewportHeight. Also keep maxViewportDimension, which is the minimum of width and height.
Erroneous alignment example (billboards)
The following example for setAlignment that is supposed to create a typical billboard does not work in the usual case:
setAlignment(null, Node.ORIGIN,
 world, Node.Y_AXIS);
The Y alignment is constrained by the Z alignment , when it should be vice versa.  The workaround is to have the roles of Z and Y axes reversed, either in the modeling stage or by using the M part of the node transformation.
Add a code comment that the axes must be set up properly.
Downscaling of sprite and background images
To allow sprites and background images to be implemented with textures, we should allow implementations to resample images to the nearest supported power of two dimension. For  large images, this means downsampling to the maximum texture size (often 256x256).

We should also define quality criteria for the resampling method.
Allow resampling of sprites and background images, and recommend bilinear filtering or better.

Also recommend something better than point sampling when rendering scaled sprites and background images.
Missing getters
There are some properties in the API and the file format that you can only set, but not read back. This makes it difficult or impossible to write comprehensive game engines, middleware, editors, or testers based solely on the M3G file format. Instead, applications need auxiliary files to store the information that you can't get from M3G. This adds to development costs and file size.
Add all missing getters: indices, vertices, texture filtering modes, keyframe interpolation modes, keyframe values, local camera lighting, node alignment.
The effect of new getters on getReferences
If we add getters for alignment reference nodes, should we then change the behavior of Object3D.getReferences so that it also returns the references? That could break existing applications that rely on not encountering loops when traversing the scene graph.
Do not return alignment reference nodes in Object3D.getReferences. Applications can retrieve them separately if needed. This is also consistent with current behavior: for example, parent links are not returned.
Unnecessary error checking in addChild
Group.addChild throws an exception if the node that is being added is already a child of that Group. This is annoying and unnecessary.
Relax the current error condition ("if the given node already has a parent") to "...has a parent other than this Group".
Documentation on Graphics3D.addLight and setLight
The documentation is unclear on how to actually use addLight and setLight; why are there two methods, when the documentation suggests they are almost identical?
Clarify that addLight should be used for creating the set of lights to be used, and setLight for making modifications to that set.
Sprite crop rectangle documentation
Different implementations have interpreted the documentation on the crop rectangle differently, and render different results.
Clarify that it is the crop rectangle that should be mapped to the projected 1x1 rectangle, not the 1x1 rectangle that should be cropped.
Graphics3D.bindTarget mandates a redundant copy or clear
bindTarget requires that the rendering target retains the original pixel data after binding. This mandates a redundant color buffer copy or clear for applications that fully overwrite the color buffer and wouldn't need either one.
Add a new hint flag to Graphics3D.bindTarget, allowing the application to signal when the color buffer contents can be discarded.
No mention of winding in TriangleStripArray
The class documentation on TriangleStripArray does not mention that the winding of every other triangle should be flipped.
Clarify the documentation.