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Change Log for JSR-000173 Streaming API for XML

Change Log for JSR-000173 Streaming API for XML

This page details the proposed, accepted and deferred changes to JSR 173 documenting the changes that will go into the next revision, per Section 4.2 of the JCP 2.6 document.


Minor revision 1.1 of Streaming API for XML Processing for the Java Platform

Special Note about proposal #3 Optional Enhanced DTD Streaming

This proposal contains optional enhancements to StAX that provide more detailed streaming of DTDs in XML documents.  The proposal does not constitute a complete DTD streaming API.  The proposal contains the minimum feature set required by JSR280.  A complete API for Streaming of DTDs may be the subject of a future MR/JSR.

Maintenance Lead

Larry Cable, BEA Systems
Thorick Chow, BEA Systems


Comments should be sent to


Request Summary                                            Specification/Interface
3 Optional Enhanced DTD Streaming capability DTD Streaming API
5 XMLStreamReader spec clarification:
When isNamespaceAware is false,
The attribute count includes xmlns and xmlns.* attributes.
XMLStreamReader Interface: update method JavaDoc with clarification.
8 XMLStreamReader spec clarification

When calling the XMLStreamReader method:
 String getAttributeValue(java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String localName)

A namespaceURI value of "" (empty String) is interpreted to mean 'no namespace'
XMLStreamReader Interface: update method JavaDoc with clarification.
9 XMLStreamWriter javadoc errors.

There are erroneous references to a property named:

The name of the property should be:
XMLStreamWriter Interface: correct the property names
10 XMLOutputFactory javadoc clarification.
In the XMLOutputFactory class javadoc explaining the usage of the 'isRepairingNamespaces' property, some of the sentence wording is confusing.
XMLOutputFactory Class: remove the contiguous sentences:
"This property specifies that the writer default namespace prefix declarations.  The default value is false. "
11 XMLOutputFactory class javadoc clarification.
In the XMLOutputFactory class javadoc explaining the usage of the 'isRepairingNamespaces' property, modify the punctuation for clarity.
XMLOutputFactory Class:
The existing sentence:
"If the StartElement has a uri but no prefix specified, a prefix will be assigned,
 if the prefix has not been declared in a parent of the current StartElement it will
 be declared on the current StartElement."

will be replaced with:
"If the StartElement has a uri but no prefix specified, a prefix will be assigned:
 if the prefix has not been declared in a parent of the current StartElement it will
 be declared on the current StartElement."
12 XMLOutputFactory class javadoc clarification.
In the XMLOutputFactory class javadoc explaining the usage of the 'isRepairingNamespaces' property tighten up some of the language describing default namespace handling.
XMLOutputFactory Class:
The existing sentence:
"If the defaultNamespace is bound and in scope and the default namespace matches
 the URI of the attribute or StartElement QName no prefix will be assigned."

will be replaced with:
"If the default namespace is bound and in scope and the default namespace matches
 the namespace URI of the attribute or of the StartElement's qualified name,
 then no prefix will be assigned."
13 XMLStreamReader javadoc error.
In XMLStreamReader.nextTag() the throws XMLStreamException description lists the set of valid event types for which the XMLStreamException will NOT be thrown.   The set description is missing the COMMENT event.
XMLStreamReader Interface:
In the nextTag method javadoc, the existing sentence:
"XMLStreamException - if the current event is not white space,

will be replaced with:
"XMLStreamException - if the current event is not white space,  COMMENT,