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Change Log for JSR-000115 Java Authorization Contract for Containers

Change Log for JSR-000115 JavaTM Authorization Contract for Containers

This page details the proposed, accepted and deferred changes to JSR 115, documenting the changes that will go into the next revision, per Section 4.2 of the JCP 2.7 document.

Last updated: 18 February 2013


Changes made throughout the Document

• Changed the version of the specification from 1.4 to 1.5.

Updated The License

Changes to Policy Configuration Contract

Supporting the Deny Uncovered Methods Semantic in Servlet

In Section “Translating Servlet security-role-refs Elements”, amended the description of uncovered HTTP methods to make their handling contingent on the semantic (permit or deny) established for uncovered methods.

Part1-Supporting the “Any Authenticated User” Role in Servlet

In Section “Translating security-constraint Elements”, added description of the handling of the any authenticated user role, “**”, in auth-constraint elements.

Part2-Supporting the “Any Authenticated User” Role in Servlet

In Section “Translating Servlet security-role-refs Elements”, added description of the additional WebRoleRefPermission elements to be created to support isUserInRole(“**”)

Supporting the "Any Authenticated User" Role in EJB

In Section “Translating EJB method-permission Elements”, dded description of the handling of the any authenticated user role, “**”, in method-permission elements.

In Section “Translating EJB security-role-refs Elements”, added description of the additional EJBRoleRefPermission elements to be created to support isCallerInRole(“**”)

Granting Role ** to Any Authenticated User

In Section 3.2, “What the Provider Must Do”, added requirement that the Policy Provider grant all permissions assigned to role “**” to any authenticated user..