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JSR 21 - JCC Specification: Change Log
JSR 21
Java Call Control Specification
- Discontinue distribution of the classes found in jain.applications.services.jcp and jain.applications.services.jcc.
IMPACT: In release 1.0a a new packaging structure was introduced. The release also indicated that future
API development would only take place on the classes in the new packaging structure.
- Remove the deprecated fields and methods.
IMPACT: In release 1.0a some fields, methods and classes were deprecated. This release removes these fields and methods.
- The JAIN group has proposed to deprecate the JCP package. This in an effort to further align with Parlay Multi Party Call Control.
IMPACT: As many JCC classes inherit from or reference JCP classes, these JCP classes, fields, and methods
have to be duplicated in the JCC package. Additionally, to reduce the impact of this change new, temporary inheritance
relations are introduced where neccerary. For example, when moving an exception class from the JCP to JCC package, it would
break both the JCC applications and JCC implementations if there is no inheritance relationship between the new JCC exception
and its deprecated copy in the JCP package. Another case is when the return value of a method is different for the
deprecated JCP class and its JCC child class (e.g. getPeer()). By having the deprecated JcpPeer inherit from
the new JccPeer, existing implementations and applications will not break.
Deprecate the UNKNOWN, INPROGRESS, and SUSPENDED events/states and the getJccState() method. This in an effort to further align with Parlay Multi Party Call Control.
IMPACT: The UNKNOWN, INPROGRESS events/states, and getJccState method will be removed eventually as they were introduced by the JCP relationship.
The SUSPENDED event/state will be replaced by more elaborate support for service code events (see next bullet).
Introduce mid call/service code events. This in an effort to further align with Parlay Multi Party Call Control.
IMPACT: A new event will be thrown in the CONNECTED state representing a mid call or servic code event.
This event will provide access to a a string typed by values simular to Parlay's Multi Party Call Control TpCallServiceCodeType.
Make getMoreDialledDigits function asynchronouos. This in an effort to further align with Parlay Multi Party Call Control.
IMPACT: Introduce a new filter that fires on partial length addresses and deprecate getMoreDialledDigits() method.
Add MethodNotSupportedException to the answer() method.
IMPACT: Modify the method's signature.
Clarify the semantics of JccCall.routeCall, specifically the semantics of routeCall(C,A,B,B).
Align superviseCall() with its Parlay Parlay Multi Party Call Control counterpart.
IMPACT: Remove the bytes argument from the method signature.