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JCP.next Working Group minutest: March 29-30 2011
Minutes of JCP.next Working Group Meeting
29-30 March 2011
- Patrick Curran
- Scott Jameson
- Scott Stark
- Heather Vancura
- John Rizzo
- Mike DeNicola
- Eduardo Gutentag
- Josh Bloch (by phone, partially)
- Review Master List of proposed changes
- Assign items to JSR1 or JSR2
- Identify previously-drafted language or draft new language as necessary
- Assign owners for further work as necessary
- Review Eduardo's proposals for the Members' Guide.
- Draft the JSR proposal documents
- Circulate for discussion with the goal of holding an EC discussion
during the Seoul f2f and filing the JSRs immediately afterwards.
- Identify and formally publish the backup documents (drafts, etc.)
The meeting was productive. We reviewed the Master List in detail, splitting
it into two documents (one for each JSR.) We also reviewed Eduardo's drafts
of the modified Process Document and the new EC Standing Rules.
See the resulting documents for details.