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JCP.next Working Group minutes: March 2, 2011
Minutes of JCP.next Working Group Meeting
2 March 2011
- Complete review of Master List of proposed changes
- Sort, prioritize, assign owners
- Next steps
- Next meeting (Patrick will be traveling for two weeks.)
The following members attended this meeting of the WG.
- Patrick Curran
- Chris Wood
- Heather Vancura
- Scott Jameson
- Mike DeNicola
- Don Deutsch
- Werner Keil
- Eduardo Gutentag
- Steve Wolfe
- John Rizzo
- Roger Mahler
Patrick reported that the Working Group's meeting minutes and materials are
now online at http://jcp.org/en/participation/JCPnextWG. They are public, but
he hasn't yet drawn attention to them.
We reviewed some additional items on the Master List (see the updated list
for details):
- Require that when the license terms associated with a
JSR are significantly changed from the previous release, this is explicitly
called out.
- We now have suggested draft language for the Process Document.
- Require that offered licenses must be available to
anyone who is willing to sign.
- We now have suggested draft language for the JSPA.
- Simple Terms Of Use for non-members who wish to comment
on specs in public forums.
- Patrick reported on efforts to work with Oracle Legal to define terms
for OpenJDK. These are proving more complex than we had hoped.
- Incorporate relevant portions of the EC Members' Guide
(eg the sepecification of quorum) into the Process Document.
- Eduardo is working on this.
- We agreed that the Guide (which is non-normative) should be referenced
from the Process Document (which is normative.)
- Clarify Terms of Use for collaboration software used by Expert Groups.
- We defined a high-level process invoving review by Oracle Legal and
approval by ECs. Details still must be worked out.
- The need to specify collaboration software up-front may be a barrier
for Spec Leads.
- The Spec Lead Guide should be updated to include guidelines.
- More generally, this Guide should provide guidance for potential
spec leads on the need to socialize their JSRs in advance, and
should encourage them to come to the EC with preliminary proposals
for discussion.
- The Spec Lead Guide, like the EC Members Guide, should be referenced
from the Process Document.
- Clarify Maintenance processes.
- We discussed the problems with the existing language in the Process
Document and agreed that we need a formal definition of Maintenance
Release and a formal process for creating a Maintenance Expert Group.
Next steps: Patrick will restructure the Master List. There will be no meeting
next week (Patrick is traveling.) If the restructuring is completed in time
the group will meet (without Patrick) the following week to review the document