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JCP EC Meeting Minutes: 12 March, 2019

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
for 15 May, 2019


15 May, 2019


Tokyo, Japan, hosted by Fujitsu



Wednesday, 15 May, 2019
  • Heather VanCura

Executive Committee

  • Alibaba - Sanhong Li - present
  • Andres Almiray - present
  • ARM - not present
  • Azul Systems - not present
  • BNY Mellon - not present
  • Credit Suisse - not present
  • Eclipse Foundation - Paul Buck - present
  • Fujitsu - Kenji Kazumura - present
  • Goldman Sachs - Jessica Man - present
  • Ivar Grimstad - present
  • Hazelcast - Jaromir Hamala - present
  • HPE - Naresh Shah - present
  • IBM - Tim Ellison - present
  • Intel - not present
  • JetBrains - not present
  • London Java Community - Martijn Veerburg - present
  • MicroDoc - Nicolas Relou - present
  • Oracle - Don Deutsch - present
  • Red Hat - Stuart Douglas - present
  • SAP - not present
  • Software AG - not present
  • SouJava - Bruno Souza - present
  • Tomitribe - David Blevins, Amelia Eiras - present
  • Twitter - Tony Printezis - present
  • V2COM - not present

Total Attendance: 16 of 25 voting members

Since 75% of the EC's voting members were not present, the EC was not quorate for this session.


Changes in status as a result of attendance at this meeting

The EC Standing Rules state the following penalties for non-attendance at EC meetings (note that those who participate in face-to-face meetings by phone are officially counted as absent):

  • Missing two meetings in a row results in a loss of voting privileges until two consecutive meetings have been attended.

  • Missing five meetings in a row, or missing two-thirds of the meetings in any consecutive 12-month period results in loss of the EC seat.

Azul Systems lost their voting privileges as a result of not attending this meeting.

Personnel Changes

Paul Buck is the new alternate representative for the Eclipse Foundation.

EC Elections

Heather reviewed the dates and next steps, including the Meet the Candidates session coming up at Code One in September (schedule to be determined). Heather also summarized the candidates for the Ratified, Elected and Associate seats. See the presentation for details.

EC Stats

Heather presented the usual EC stats (see the presentation for details).

Host Presentation

Kenji Kazumura provided an overview and background in Fujitsu and Java (see the presentation for details).

Membership Report Update

Heather gave an update on the Membership renewals effort (see the presentation for details). The PMO is in the final stages of this task, with JUG Memberships remaining to convert to Partner Memberships, as appropriate. Amelia offered to help with annual JCP Membership campaign.

Java EE Migration Update

Paul provided an update from the Eclipse Foundation on Jakarta EE and the migration of Java EE (see the presentation for details). David asked for feedback on the namespace change. Ivar suggested that the project should simplify names so that we do not need acronyms moving forward.

Java SE Update - Project Loom

Brian provided an update on Project Loom (see the presentation for details). Sanhong asked about the current status. Brian confirmed it is in proof of concept stage and aimed at a preview feature to start. David asked if there was prototype code. Brian provided the Project Loom source code link available from the Project Loom wiki. Martijn asked about the incorporation into a Platform JSR. Brian explained that Project Loom is in the project phase, not a JEP (yet). They are experimenting with ideas and as plans converge a JEP will be filed to deliver in stages. Then it will be introduced as a preview feature in OpenJDK. Heather suggested EC members look into attending the OpenJDK Committers' Workshop in Santa Clara hosted by Oracle in early August to get more involved.

JCP EC Working Group Updates

Heather suggested that we resume the JCP.Next Working Group to discuss two minor changes as a Maintenance Review to JCP 387, Streamline the JCP program - clarification on allowing multiple Public Reviews and resizing the JCP EC (see the presentation for more details). Heather revisited the idea of a Communications Working Group, since this has not been discussed for some time, and noted that there was little interest last year. Heather suggested a new Working Group around clarifying the business value of the JCP program overall for the continued success of Java - JSRs developed and covered by a Spec License that includes strong compatibility requirements, allowing multiple implementations that create choice; implementations must pass the TCK. Don suggested that deliverables out of this group may provide content for the Communications Working Group. Heather will set up a poll for the JCP.Next Working Group, followed by the Business Value Working Group. We can subsequently evaluate if there is interest in resuming the Communications Working Group.

Spec Lead Presentation - Visual Recognition Specification

Frank Greco and Zoran Sevarac presented an update on JSR 381, Visual Recognition Specification (see the presentation for details). Bruno asked why the project should be a JSR and the Spec Leads responded that a standard API is needed, not just an open source project. Martijn suggested that the Spec Leads follow up on independent implementors and do more socializing of the JSR. Heather suggested that Deep Nets, as a contributor, should become a member of the JCP and that if the IBM Spec Lead is leaving IBM, follow up with IBM is needed.

2018 Year End Presentation

Heather presented the annual summary of JCP related activities in the 2018 Year End Presentation (see the presentation for details).

Oracle Code One Activities and Events

We reviewed the plans for JCP related activities at Oracle Code One (see the presentation for details).

Other Business

Heather reviewed the calendar dates for the remaining 2019 JCP EC Meetings and proposed dates and locations for the 2020 calendar (see the presentation for details); the September face to face will be in San Francisco hosted by Twitter. For our Spring 2020 face to face meeting, Hazelcast offered to investigate Istanbul, Alibaba offered to investigate Hangzhou and IBM, or London Java Community offered to investigate London locations for hosting. Heather will initiate a poll later in 2019 once options are confirmed for these or other locations. Twitter and Alibaba both offered to host the Fall face to face meeting in 2020, dates to be decided based on plans for coinciding with Oracle Code One 2020.

Heather thanked Fujitsu for hosting the meeting. We reviewed plans for the group dinner in the evening, and activities with the local Java Community later in the week, and the meeting adjourned.

Next Meeting

  • 13 August, 2019; 8am - 10am PDT