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JSR #378
Portlet 3.0 Bridge for JavaServerTM Faces 2.2 Specification
JSR Renewal Ballot
Ballot duration: 2016-10-04   to: 2016-10-17

Special Vote Instructions:

The JSR 378 EG recently had a face-to-face meeting at JavaOne 2016 and has been active for the past year discussing and voting on a variety of issues aimed at improving the FacesBridge API. In addition, the following progress has been made:
- The RI has implemented all of the improvements to the FacesBridge API that the EG has voted in favor of.
- The TCK (inherited from JSR 329) has been migrated from JSP to Facelets, and the TCK dependency on MyFaces Trinidad has been removed.
- The Spec document has been converted from HTML to MarkDown and the associated diagrams have been updated.
- We coordinated with the JSR 362 (Portlet 3.0) EG in order to make sure that features in Portlet 3.0 can be leveraged by the FacesBridge and JSF portlet developers.
- Most recently, we achieved integration with the Portlet 3.0 JavaScript API which will enable JSF portlet developers to leverage the new client-side Inter-Portlet Communication (IPC) API. This integration was demonstrated at JavaOne 2016 (CON3860) by Scott Nicklous of IBM and Neil Griffin of Liferay.

Our goal is to provide EDR#1 for review by the end of Q1 2017. On behalf of the JSR 378 EG, we kindly ask that the Executive Committee grant us the opportunity to continue our work.

These are the final results of the JSR Renewal Ballot for JSR #378. The EC has approved this ballot.


Arm Limited Yes
Azul Systems, Inc. Yes
Credit Suisse Yes
Eclipse Foundation, Inc Yes
* Ericsson AB Voting rights suspended since 2016-07-13
Fujitsu Limited Yes
Gemalto M2M GmbH Yes
Goldman Sachs & Co. Yes
Hazelcast Yes
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Yes
Intel Corp. Yes
Keil, Werner Yes
London Java Community Yes
Magnusson Jr, Geir Yes
MicroDoc Yes
NXP Semiconductors Yes
Oracle Yes
Red Hat Yes
Software AG Yes
SouJava Yes
Twitter, Inc. Yes

Icon Legend
Yes Yes
No No
Abstain Abstain
Not voted Not voted

* EC Member : Voting rights have been suspended according to JCP 2.8

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