Add the following to the semantics of[]): If the service containing the specified parts is the same as the service currently selected in this service context then the following shall apply; - the specified media components shall be selected. - if locators to Xlets are listed then the specified Xlets shall be started and other running Xlets in that service context shall be stopped - if no locators to Xlets are listed and the ServiceContext on which the method is called is the one returned by passing the calling Xlet's XletContext to ServiceContextFactory.getServiceContext(XletContext) then the Xlets selected shall be the same as would be selected by calling select(Service) on the service of which the specified components are members. (I.e., if the components belong to a different service than is being presented, the auto-start Xlets of the service will be selected; if the components belong to the same service as is being presented, then no change is made to the currently selected Xlets.) - if no locators to Xlets are listed and the ServiceContext on which the method is called is not the one returned by passing the calling Xlet's XletContext to ServiceContextFactory.getServiceContext(XletContext) then all running Xlets in that ServiceContext shall be stopped. -------------------------------- Add the following to the specification of If this method is called when the clock rate is 0.0, no exception will be thrown, and the getSeconds() method of the returned Time object will yield an undefined value.