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2012 Star Spec Lead Profiles

The Java Community Process (JCP) program applauds the community's Star Spec Leads. These leaders earned this honor through their efficient, prompt, and transparent communication with their Expert Group, the Program Management Office (PMO), and the Executive Committee (EC). They used community web pages, observer aliases, and other tools to communicate with their expert group, the JCP program community, and the public. They kept their Java Specification Requests (JSRs) on schedule by making sure their team stayed focused and felt appreciated. The JCP program congratulates and honors these Star Spec Leads.

Marek Potociar

Marek Potociar is a Principal Software Engineer at Oracle. Because of his ongoing interest in system-level programming, he eventually worked his way to Sun's R&D Java EE department, later acquired by Oracle, and has been involved with web services development since 2003. At present, Marek is Spec Lead of JSR 339, JAX-RS 2.0: The Java API for RESTful Web Services API, as well as the development lead of Jersey, the next major JAX-RS Reference Implementation release. Previously Marek was leading development on Metro, the open-source SOAP web services framework for Java.

For Marek, participation in the JCP program began around 2007 when, as a Sun employee, he began observing JSR 222, Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.0 and JSR 224, Java API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.0 specifications, and later JSR 311, JAX-RS 1.x. A few years later, his involvement deepened when he became Spec Lead for JSR 339. He is also observing JSR 349, Bean Validation 1.1, as well as other JSRs related to the planned Java EE 7 release -- "a natural part of the job of any Java EE technology Spec Lead," he says. Marek has also participated in the OASIS and WS-I standards organizations.

JavaOne, Devoxx, Oracle Developer Days, and Jazoon are some of the conferences where Marek speaks about his Java specification and implementation efforts. At the Oracle Developer Conference in Brno, Czech Republic, for example, Marek and a colleague spoke about REST and the JAX-RS API to an audience that encouraged them with a 40-minute wave of post-talk questions about their slides and demos. Marek also speaks occasionally on various JUG forums, such as the local one in Prague, as well as the Riviera JUG in Nice, France.

Marek blogs, tweets personal and work-related comments from @marek_potociar, and tweets (with his colleagues) updates to the Jersey project @gf_jersey. Marek holds a master's degree in Applied Computer Science. He lives in Prague, Czech Republic, where for fun he plays board games, hikes, and plays golf with friends. Currently, his most challenging sport is raising his two kids.

Pete Muir Profile

Santiago Pericas-Geertsen Profile

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