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JSRs: Java Specification Requests
JSR 221: JDBCTM 4.0 API Specification

Stage Access Start Finish
Maintenance Release 4 Download page 11 Mar, 2025  
Maintenance Review Ballot 3 View results 07 Jan, 2025 13 Jan, 2025
Maintenance Draft Review 4 Download page 11 Dec, 2024 24 Dec, 2024
Maintenance Release 3 Download page 21 Sep, 2017  
Maintenance Review Ballot 2 View results 04 Apr, 2017 17 Apr, 2017
Maintenance Draft Review 3 Download page 28 Feb, 2017 30 Mar, 2017
Maintenance Release 2 Download page 04 Mar, 2014  
Maintenance Review Ballot View results 10 Dec, 2013 16 Dec, 2013
Maintenance Draft Review 2 Download page 04 Nov, 2013 04 Dec, 2013
Maintenance Release Download page 13 Oct, 2011  
Maintenance Draft Review Download page 15 Mar, 2011 14 Apr, 2011
Final Release Download page 11 Dec, 2006  
Final Approval Ballot View results 24 Oct, 2006 06 Nov, 2006
Proposed Final Draft Download page 19 Jul, 2006  
Public Review Ballot View results 17 Jan, 2006 23 Jan, 2006
Public Review Download page 16 Dec, 2005 23 Jan, 2006
Early Draft Review 2 Download page 12 Oct, 2005 11 Nov, 2005
Early Draft Review Download page 09 Jun, 2005 24 Jul, 2005
Expert Group Formation   10 Jun, 2003 03 Nov, 2003
JSR Review Ballot View results 27 May, 2003 09 Jun, 2003
Status: Active
JCP version in use: 2.11
Java Specification Participation Agreement version in use: 2.0

This specification seeks to improve Java application access to SQL data stores by the provision of ease-of-development focused features and improvements at both the utility and API level.

Expert Group Transparency:
  Public Communications
  Issue Tracking


Specification Leads
  Lance Andersen Oracle
Expert Group
  BEA Systems
: Fei Luo
BEA Systems
: Joe Weinstein
Volker Berlin
  DataDirect Technologies
: Mark Biamonte
DataDirect Technologies
: Jesse Davis
DataDirect Technologies
: John Goodson
: Christopher Farrar
: Vinayak Joshi
MySQL Inc.
: Mark Matthews
  New Atlanta Communications, LLC
: Paul Bonfanti
Nokia Corporation
: Sudhanshu Pant
: Lance Andersen
: Douglas Surber
PointBase, Inc.
: Ara Aravamudhan
Pramati Technologies
: Hrishikesh Barua
  Mark Rotteveel SAP SE
: Marco Paskamp
: Dietmar Theobald
  Snyder, Bruce
: Bruce Snyder
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
: Binod PG
: Karim Khamis
: Ashish Mahajan
: Ajit Sabnis

Updates to the Original JSR

The following information has been updated from the original request.

This JSR was moved to JCP 2.11.

This JSR was moved to JCP 2.10.

This JSR was moved to JCP 2.9.

2.19 Please describe the communications channel you have established for the public to observe Expert Group deliberations, provide feedback, and view archives of all Expert Group communications.

Please use

2.20 What is the URL of the Issue Tracker that the public can read, and how does the public log issues in the Issue Tracker?

Currently we are using

2.21 Please provide the location of the publicly accessible document archive you have created for the Expert Group.

Files are archived in the "Community Files" under the "Community" tab on this page.


2.15 Please provide a description of the business terms for the Specification, RI and TCK that will apply when this JSR is final.

This RI and TCK for this JSR will be delivered as part of RI and TCK for Java SE 6 (JSR 270), respectively. The proposed Java SE 6 licensing terms are available here:


2.2 What is the target Java platform? (i.e., desktop, server, personal, embedded, card, etc.)

This specification is intended to become part of the Java SE 6 ("Mustang").

2.13 Please describe how the RI and TCK will de delivered, i.e. as part of a profile or platform edition, or stand-alone, or both. Include version information for the profile or platform in your answer.

This JSR will be delivered as part of Java SE 6 "Mustang".

Original Java Specification Request (JSR)

Identification | Request | Contributions

Original Summary: The JDBC 4.0 API specification seeks to improve Java application access to SQL data stores by the provision of ease-of-development focused features and improvements at both the utility and API level. Using new Java language features planned for JSR-176 Java 2 Standard Edition 1.5, features such as annotations as defined in JSR-175, generics defined in JSR-014 in to addition to supplying a set of JDBC utility classes, SQL savvy developers will be able to more easily access SQL data sources while still benefiting from the full power of the JDBC API.

Section 1. Identification

Submitting Member: Sun Microsystems, Inc

Name of Contact Person: Jonathan Bruce

E-Mail Address:

Telephone Number: +1 408 276 7029

Fax Number: +1 408 276 7191

Specification Lead: Lance Andersen

E-Mail Address: Lance.Andersen@Sun.COM

Telephone Number:+1 781 442 2037

Fax Number: +1 781 442 4071

Initial Expert Group Membership:


Supporting this JSR:

* Oracle
* DataDirect Technologies
* Fujitsu
* INET Software
* Novell
* Borland
* Pointbase Inc.
* Macromedia

Section 2: Request

2.1 Please describe the proposed Specification:

The JDBC API is a mature technology, currently in its third revision and has existed in specification format since January 1997. The latest release successfully consolidated the divergent JDBC 2.x generation specifications into one to form the JDBC 3.0 specification. The JDBC 3.0 specification also attended to rounding out the technology to close out gaps and to ensure consistency with the SQL-99 ANSI specifications.

In JDBC 4.0, the focus differs. The stated goal of this specification is to provide an improved developer experience while working with relational SQL data stores from the Java platform. To meet this requirement, our primary attention will be given to determining key issues that developers encounter while using the JDBC API and addressing the issues by making adequate provision in the areas detailed below:

A set of utility classes will be provided to allow Java applications to JDBC technology enabled applications simpler access to relational datasources. Currently developers rely on rudimentary mechanisms to manage their available datasources, and JDBC technology enabled drivers, in addition to formulating their queries and thereafter managing their connections and processing their results. JDBC 4.0 will specify mechanisms to assist developers in the following categories:

* Management of JDBC Technology Enabled Drivers

JDBC drivers provide the mechanics to the JDBC API to allow Java applications access to SQL data stores. The introduction of javax.sql.DataSource as a replacement for java.sql.DriverManager was a small step to simplify the manageability of JDBC drivers. JDBC 4.0 seeks to provide utility classes to improve the JDBC driver registration and unload mechanisms. In addition new frameworks will be established to promote easier integration of JDBC technology-enabled drivers into the Java platform.

* Connection Management

JDBC 3.0 and its predecessors relied primarily on the JDBC URL to define the required data source connection. JDBC 4.0 will specify a mechanism to allow applications to easily get a connection to any data source by simply supplying a set of parameters (host, port etc.) to a standard connection factory mechanism. Attention will also be focused on specifying improved mechanisms to allow the determination of the state of active connections and the ability to easily migrate or specify any connection as standard (non pooled), pooled and even as a distributed connection. It is anticipated that the Meta Data facility (JSR-175) will play a role here to provide the means by which to manipulate and manage active connections, by specifying standard set of tags to control the state of a connection obtained from a JDBC driver or JNDI DataSource.MP< * Statement and Result Processing

The JDBC 3.0 specification provides the java.sql.ResultSet as the primary query result processing class. It is flexibile definition allowing for enterprise level relational features including updates, holdability and many other features. JDBC 4.0 will leverage the available J2SE 1.5 language improvements to allow the developer to more closely associate a SQL query with specific data representations such as class representations. It is anticipated that the Meta Data facility (JSR-175) in addition to Generics (JSR-014) facilities will allow a tight association of SQL queries with designated object structures describing query parameters. In a similar linkage, this also allows developers to more immediately tie the results of their queries to designated class definitions and to quickly process a query result.

* Persistence and Update mechanisms

The JDBC 4.0 specification will investigate the possible alignments and relationships between various persistence mechanisms available for the Java platform. Specification efforts such as Meta Data (JSR-175) and Generics (JSR-014) will provide the means by which standard tags and utilities can be standardized to allow a clearer definition between JDBC and complimentary persistence infrastructures.

* Close Association with JDBC RowSet implementations

J2SE 1.5 will contain a set of Standard JDBC RowSet implementations as specified in JDBC RowSet Implementations (JSR-114). This specification will provide a set of utiltities described at both the utility class level and the Meta Data language level. This will allow developers to easily migrate JDBC-technology enabled applications towards the JDBC RowSet model that enables disconnected data source access in addition to the ability to manage relational data stores from an XML stand-point.

* Maintain focus on SQL control

Many developers continue to be comfortable managing SQL code directly from their application. This specification will not unnecessarily mask as developer's ability to manage SQL queries directly from their code base, but it will offers improveds means by which SQL queries and SQL query results can be more closely associated with the Java language and it's underlying specifications.

* Ensure JDBC backward compatibility

Many applications and deployments have significant investments in the JDBC technology and any improvements to the API, the provision of utility class methods and the ability to utilize meta data facilities and generics will maintain backward compatibility to all previous JDBC specifications.

2.2 What is the target Java platform? (i.e., desktop, server, personal, embedded, card, etc.)

JavaTM 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 1.5

NOTE that this information has been updated from this original request.

2.3 What need of the Java community will be addressed by the proposed specification?

The Java commuity will benefit from the additional API and utility class improvements that will ease relational data access from the Java platform by leveraging the various languange improvements planned to be introduced into J2SE 1.5.

2.4 Why isn't this need met by existing specifications?

Please see 2.1 above.

2.5 Please give a short description of the underlying technology or technologies:

Please see 2.1 above.

2.6 Is there a proposed package name for the API Specification? (i.e., javapi.something, org.something, etc.)

The specification will be supplied in package format, but to date no decision has been taken on the naming scheme.

2.7 Does the proposed specification have any dependencies on specific operating systems, CPUs, or I/O devices that you know of?


2.8 Are there any security issues that cannot be addressed by the current security model?


2.9 Are there any internationalization or localization issues?


2.10 Are there any existing specifications that might be rendered obsolete, deprecated, or in need of revision as a result of this work?

This specification will build on top of JSR-054, JDBC 3.0 Specification.

2.11 Please describe the anticipated schedule for the development of this specification.

This specification will be available towards the end of the calendar year, 2004.

2.12 Please describe the anticipated working model for the Expert Group working on developing this specification.

The EG will use email, weekly conference calls and the private JSR homepage provided as part of the Java Community Process.

2.13 Please describe how the RI and TCK will de delivered, i.e. as part of a profile or platform edition, or stand-alone, or both. Include version information for the profile or platform in your answer.

The reference implementation will be made available as a component of the J2EE 1.5 platform RI and will migrate into the J2SE 1.6 platform RI to form part of the core Java platform. The TCK will be made available as a component of the J2EE 1.5 platform TCK (CTS) and will migrate into the J2SE 1.6 platform TCK (JCK) to form part of the core Java platform.

NOTE that this information has been updated from this original request.

2.14 Please state the rationale if previous versions are available stand-alone and you are now proposing in 2.13 to only deliver RI and TCK as part of a profile or platform edition (See sections 1.1.5 and 1.1.6 of the JCP 2 document).

Does not apply

2.15 Please provide a description of the business terms for the Specification, RI and TCK that will apply when this JSR is final.

Pursuant to the Java Community Process version 2.5, the following is a summary of Sun's anticipated principal license terms and conditions for the JSR , JDBC, version 4.0.

The binary and source for JDBC 4.0 will be made available under the terms and conditions used for the J2SE JRE and SDK. The JDBC 4.0 TCK will be made available under the terms and conditions used for J2SE TCK.

Binaries for J2SE JRE and SDK are licensed, at no charge, under the Sun Microsystems Inc. Binary Code License.

Sources for J2SE SDK (which includes the JRE sources) are licensed, at no charge, under SCSL.

J2SE TCK is made available under SCSL, Attachment E. There is no charge for a TCK license, but there may be a mandatory TCK support fee.

J2SE SDK and TCK sources are made available to Sun's existing TLDA licensees according to their TLDA terms.

J2SE TCK is offered for license at no charge, without support or any trademark license rights, to qualified not-for-profit entities (including not-for-profit academic institutions) and qualified individuals engaged in efforts to create compatible implementations of J2SE specifications

Section 3: Contributions

3.1 Please list any existing documents, specifications, or implementations that describe the technology. Please include links to the documents if they are publicly available.


    * JSR 014 Add Generic Types to the JavaTM Programming Language
    * JSR-012 Java Data Objects (JDO)
    * JSR 054 JDBC 3.0 Specification
    * JSR 112 Connectors 1.5
    * JSR 114 JDBC RowSet Implementrations
    * JSR 153 Enterprise JavaBeans 2.1
    * JSR 175 A Metadata Facility for the JavaTM Programming Language
    * JSR 201 Extending the JavaTM Programming Language with Enumerations, Autoboxing, Enhanced for loops and Static Import

Other specifications:

3.2 Explanation of how these items might be used as a starting point for the work.

The JDBC 3.0 Specification will form the underlying basis for all work anticipated in this proposed specification.