Pursuant to the Java Community Process version 2.5, the following is a
summary of Sun's anticipated principal license terms and conditions for
the JSR 114, JDBC Rowset Implementation, version 1.0.1
JDBC Rowset Implementation 1.0.1 is expected to be an integral part of J2SE JRE and SDK. JDBC
Rowset 1.0.1 TCK is expected to be an integral part of J2SE TCK.
The binary and source for JDBC Rowset Implementation 1.0.1 will be made available under the
terms and conditions used for the J2SE JRE and SDK. The JDBC Rowset 1.0.1TCK
will be made available under the terms and conditions used for J2SE TCK.
Binaries for J2SE JRE and SDK are licensed, at no charge, under the Sun
Microsystems Inc. Binary Code License.
Sources for J2SE SDK (which includes the JRE sources) are licensed, at
no charge, under SCSL.
J2SE TCK is made available under SCSL, Attachment E. There is no charge
for a TCK license, but there may be a mandatory TCK support fee.
J2SE SDK and TCK sources are made available to Sun's existing TLDA
licensees according to their TLDA terms.
J2SE TCK is offered for license at no charge, without support or any
trademark license rights, to qualified not-for-profit entities
(including not-for-profit academic institutions) and qualified
individuals engaged in efforts to create compatible implementations of
J2SE specifications.