Bug system: https://bugs.openjdk.org JDK-8306585: Add SourceVersion.RELEASE_22 JDK-8246280: Refine API to model sealed classes and interfaces in javax.lang.model JDK-8281169: Expand discussion of elements and types JDK-8307184: Incorrect/inconsistent specification and implementation for Elements.getDocComment JDK-8310676: add note about unnamed module to Elements.getAllModuleElement JDK-8312418: Add Elements.getEnumConstantBody JDK-8314477: Improve definition of "prototypical type" JDK-8315137: Add explicit override RecordComponentElement.asType() JDK-8317221: Implementation for javax.lang.model for Unnamed Variables & Patterns JDK-8320941: Discuss receiver type handling JDK-8319133: Implement JEP 463: Changes to annotation processing related to dropping unnamed classes