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Change Log for JSR-245 JavaServerTM Pages 2.1
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The purpose for the proposed changes to JSR-245,
Pages 2.1 Specification (JSP 2.1) is to take the expression language
(EL) out of JSP 2.1 and make it a self-contained specification.
The next version of the JSP specification will remove the description of
the expression language and will instead reference and depend on the EL
This change log has been created according to the
step of the JCP process, and will be posted for a 30 day public review
before being declared final. Proposed Changes1. VersionThe EL that is part of JSP 2.1 will be EL 1.0,
and the
proposed standalone EL will be EL 1.1. 2. New Methods in EL 1.1To make EL 1.1 self-contained, two factory methods have been added.2.1 javax.el.ExpressionFactory.newInstance() Creates a new instance of a
Create a new instance of a
If the argument Properties are optional and can be ignored by an implementation. The name of a property should start with "javax.el." The following are some suggested names for properties.