Proposed Changes for PBP 1.0b Maintenance Release ------------------------------------------------- overview.html : Update reference from Foundation 1.0 to Foundation 1.0b. overview.html : Add reference to JDK 1.3.1. AWTEvent : Define PAINT_EVENT_MASK and INVOCATION_EVENT_MASK constants. Dimension, Point, Rectangle: Change to inherit from Cloneable Dimension, Point, Rectangle: Override clone() with public method. Point: Override hashCode() for consistancy for Hashtable contract Rectangle: Override hashCode() for consistancy for Hashtable contract Update javax.microedition.xlet and xlet.ixc APIs with corrected PBP 1.1 semantics. Add XletContext.getClassLoader() method per PBP 1.1 spec. Add IxcPermission and associated security checks per PBP 1.1 spec. Window.getWarningString() : Remove statement that the window is always secure in PBP. Frame : Remove unused ownedWindows field from serial form. Window: Remove undefined focusMgr field from serial form. MediaTracker: Remove undefined head field from serial form, and add note saying that MediaTracker objects could not be fully serialized. Toolkit.createImage(URL) : Clarify that this method can throw SecurityException. Toolkit.getImage(URL): Clarify that this method can throw SecurityException. Toolkit.get/createImage(String) : Clarify that these methdods can throw SecurityException. AlphaComposite : Add explanation concerning premultplication of alpha values from JDK 1.3.1. java.rmi.registry.Registry : Delete references to ServerException. Tookit: Delete reference to java.awt.peer package. Toolkit.loadSystemColors() : Add a profile-specific note that the order of the color values in the systemColors argument is implementation-dependent. FlowLayout: Remove unused newAlign, serialVersionOnStream serial fields. FlowLayout: Remove unneeded readObject() method. SystemColor : Clarify that the color-widget association may be arbitrary in PBP. KeyEvent: Add clarification that applications are still permitted to create events and post them to the system event queue. MouseEvent: Add clarification that applications are still permitted to create events and post them to the system event queue. javax.microedition.xlet/package.html: Simplified explanation of the loaded state to say that it is entered after the xlet is "created". Window: Add explanation of interaction of setSize/Location operations with window system, per PBP 1.1. Window: Add explanation of setSize/Location behavior for invisible Windows. Frame, Component: Update restriction definitions with PBP 1.1 equivalents. Color : Add assertion that Color.color constants are instances of java.awt.Color.