Change Log for JSR 67: Java APIs for XML Messaging 1.0 Description: Changes for SAAJ API 1.4 MR Maintenance Lead: Lukas Jungmann, Oracle Corporation Feedback: comments should be sent to Proposed changes: * define JDK 9 module for the SAAJ API to be 'java.xml.soap' * change the definition of the discovery process of SAAJ implementation * add generics where applicable * changed MAY to MUST in javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement.getChildElements methods * javadoc - add @since 1.6 where applicable - add missing parameter description - add missing exception description - add missing return value description * end of JSR 67 as a standalone technology SAAJ API 1.4 will be the last maintenance release of the JSR 67 specification as a standalone technology. SAAJ API will continue to be released with the Java API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.0 JSR, but will no longer exist as a standalone technology. Future changes to the SAAJ API will be defined through the JAX-WS JSR. The subsumption of SAAJ API into the JAX-WS JSR does not change any mechanisms defined in SAAJ API. The interfaces are the same except that they will then be directly specified in the JAX-WS JSR. Deployment of alternative implementations of the SAAJ API will continue to be supported.